Death Knights in SoD

Can we please get Death Knights in SoD now? Makes all the sense in the world since we’re going into Naxx soon and they are in Naxx (so lore wise they fit). Use WotLK talent trees with shortened talents and the missing abilities from shortening of the talents as runes.

Also make Blood an actual physical dps spec like it was originally and buff Scourge Strike to be usable as more than just a relic proc.


Thank you for your suggestion,
DK’s will be added next patch


I mean I’m rolling one if they do it…

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Please allow me to sacrifice my Warrior and come back as a cool Death Knight. Maybe I’ll actually play SoD again if you do.


Sacrificing a level 60 would be amazing. Never liked my Mage alt anyway…


thanks big dawg


It would actually fit the Classic aesethic if in order to become a DK you had to level a warrior to 60 and do a special quest chain to become one.

“Hero Class” reimagined in the style of Classic.

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wym dks already exist in sod, they gave warriors death grip :slight_smile:

I’d be down for this we already have hook.

As long as it’s not a hero class that’s just stronger than everyone else i’m down.


I’d be all for it, especially if it could be unlocked with a quest or by an NPC, say in event you die at lvl 60 in Strat, Scholo, Nax, or anywhere in EPL or WPL, an NPC that is Kel’Thuzad or even Lich King himself, calling you through death to join him as his death knight. You’d sacrifice your character for it, but it could be really cool.

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Yes let me join the scourge and slay the alliance and horde equally.


I too would most definitely sacrifice one of my toons for one. Thank you so much for the support guys.

They would never do it but adding in a 3rd faction would be :fire:

It’s all I have ever wanted.

Death Knights would likely bring a lot of players back to SoD and also be a big counter to both Paladins and Shamans in PvP.

Blizzard can use and recycle Death Knight T7.5 for Classic Naxx.

Reuse WotLK talent trees, reducing the talent tree sizes to the appropriate level 60 size and add the missing abilities, damage modifiers and/or spells as runes that can be collected throughout both the Death Knight starter quest zone and a few spread throughout various raids and/or high end dungeons.