Shaman aren’t spiritual at all. It’s a lie.
Or at least retconned.
For all the foreshadowing made from the book ‘Shadows Rising’ with the shaman apparently sensing an “unrest” in the spirits — They had 0 relevance to Shadowlands or even within the Shadowlands …
Which class served as our best spirit guides and held the most spiritual knowledge amongst them all?
That’s right! →
Death Knights! 
Additionally — Priests and Paladins devotion to the light? Meaningless!!
- Save except their devotion in general, so the Kyrians know that they’ll be submissive devouts – Thus can ultimately have their memories wiped clean & be reconditioned to THEIR cause.
Back to the subject of Shaman:
They have been depicted as pathetic or inconsequential in the spiritual field — At best, being merely those who control the physical elements and nothing more.
So in spite of shaman being told to be able to hold close relationships with the spirits and even spiritual beings like the loa — or heck, even the naaru!! … It’s ultimately a fabrication or misconception now.
And what oh-so-great lore do we have to thank for removing spirituality from the classes of
- Priests
- Paladins
- and even Shaman?
The answer is — Shadowlands.
This is why I’d like if we could at least delve deeper into spiritual lore or partially retcon Shadowlands in the extent that the light has no purchase over the spirit realm … Which prior lore literally stated otherwise & to suggest it doesn’t is quite insulting retcon to the story that came before.
What’s more is that the ordeal of spirits ‘dying’ in the Shadowlands results in permanant erase — is pretty stupid considering you have those who summon spirits from the otherside; without once having it as: “Oh no sorry, they were killed in the Shadowlands – so I can’t commune with them.”
At best, I’d love if they could present a conspiracy that spirits simply ‘shatter’ and reform over many, MANY years or millennia (like beings in Percy Jackson) and may result in a greater offering to be given from the living plane to reform them, so they may be communed with.
Anyway …
I felt irritated @ the lore from Shadowlands, for not only what it did to class identity – but the lore in general on multiple other layers & wanted to vent it out as I no longer have the same love, fascination and admiration for the overall storyline that I once did.