Cvar setting is at default value of “1” but DK voices still don’t exist?
Did they really remove it?
Cvar setting is at default value of “1” but DK voices still don’t exist?
Did they really remove it?
I thought it only worked with specific skin tones…
Well then… Guess I need to check that. It didn’t used to be that way.
I thought I was going nutty. I have two DKs of different races and neither seem to have it anymore. One being Forsaken and other Worgen.
Can confirm it’s gone
Will miss that; if I ever get the chance to play my DK again
Why would they even remove something like that? Not saying they didn’t, but wow, just why?
just wondering how long before a Cae’Ryn will complain and get it removed lol
How did they NOT give her the “shy” hair cut?
O that’s a shame. It was a cool effect.
The whole reason I made my DK a void elf was to stack both reverbs on top of each other for the most unholy audio experience.
DK voice effects were still there when I checked mine last week.
Error dialogue is still modulated, emote dialogue is not. Could be a bug, although they may also be working on removing the Death Knight voice modulation.
I’ll have to check this out. I’ll be very angry at Blizz for this.
Confirmed that this is not the case.
Good to know. That is how it was originally and never really followed.
i just made a fresh human DK and yeah, the voice effect is gone
It’s because we took our helmets off. That is not the way.