Death knight or paladin next?

I’m wanting to do either a dk or pally for dps on raids and groups. While I’ve messed around with both, goofing off. But never did raiding stuff with them. Can anyone advice me on the pros and cons of the classes. I plan to keep playing this Hunter and play the dk or pally as an alt.

I personally chose not to play either the past two expansions, so I don’t have much for knowledge where raiding on them with tier is regarded, but if you don’t frequent guide sites, maybe this will help?

If you open up one of the specs and scroll down on their main overview, you get this:

Same goes for the tanking/heal specs.
Overall, they’re both sort of immobile. Paladin building and spending resource feels pretty good and they have heavy utility. While DK is more of a rotation of your cds. I don’t really see any ret paladins this patch, but plenty of frost and blood dks, due to their strengths.

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Haha yeah Ret Paladin weakness should have listed “Never Going to be Invited to Any Groups”. Definitely the worst class in the game to roll if you want to be dps

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Hopefully that changes next xpac =[ they’re a ton of fun.

shakes his fist in the air as he’s stuck to his wheelchair hey if Blizzard could balance between pvp and pve we would have great sustain dps in pve instead we are limited by our powers due to our overwhelming advantage in pvp.

OP: Paladin for pvp dungeon groups
DK’s for raiding
if you care about peformance that much.

Paladin is usually filled in multiple slots in raids so its harder to find a dedicated raid group as one.

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On a side note regarding this, back when I tanked on my Pally, I found it difficult to die; when tanking on my DK, I have to make myself die.

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Guardian druids, Protection Paladins and Blood death knights are like the three pillar men of Jojo bizzare adventures. Both are incredibly hard to kill and very resiliant.


I have a new headcanon now lol

But people also really love DKs for AMZ, so that’s a thing. And it’s hard to find people who actually want to play a DK.

I made my main Death Knight day 1 of WoTLK. I played it a lot then but have never played it ever since they removed the presences. Now I only play my dk to level it up to max level each expac and never touch it as soon as it levels and sell all the gear it got that expac to a vendor.

Make a pally. They are going to be super leet in 10.0 near WoTLK levels and in some cases even better than they were in Wrath.

Tried the death knight and it’s powerful but being that death strike is the only way for self heals in groups and pve if things get hairy and the healer is overwhelmed pots are the only thing you can use. So I’m wondering are ret paladins better in that regard? Along time ago I seen paladins pull some crazy things and survive. Is it still like that some what or not at all?

DK just crushed by nerf bat. Maybe the hardest nerf in the history of the game.

Choose accordingly.

So you are saying death knights are…dead?