Death Knight mounts

Recently saw a video on YouTube where a guy was updating some of the older mounts, and in a recent video of his, had shown what a night saber raised as a DK mount could look like and it got me thinking, what if Blizz did this with certain racial mounts. Maybe make it a quest line.


It’d be cool to have each race have its own racial deathcharger.


If Paladins get it, why not us?


That’s a great idea! You have my support.

Even though I play a Human and would just get another horse.


I support this new DK mount quest line idea.

Oh gods I just realized…

Blood elves will get undead chickens…

Maybe a KFC Bucket with chicken bone legs

Undead… Mechanostrider???

Why not? It’s not like gnome DKs completely forgot how to tinker with tech. They can just make a nice, edgy-looking mech.

I’m not against it. I’m just confused of how it would work for something like Gnomes since Mechanostriders aren’t alive.

Humans/Kul Tirans have Horses.
Orcs/Mag’har have Wolves.
Dwarves/DID have Rams.
Forsaken have Skeletal Horses which some are already called Deathchargers so they can stick to that.
Trolls and maybe ZTrolls have Raptors.
Worgens have themselves.
Taurens/HMTaurens have Kodos.
Goblins got a trike which is yet another confusing thing.
Draenei/LFD have Elekk.
Night Elves have sabers and I think Nightborne too.
Blood Elves got Hawkstriders.
Vulpera have Alpacas… if they can even be worthy to be a Deathcharger. A llama Deathcharger. :joy:
Gnomes/Mechagnomes have mechanostriders which aren’t… alive.

I think Deathcharger needs to be once alive, something that neither Goblin and Gnome racial mounts are. I don’t think adding a coat of edgy paint would consider to be a Deathcharger.

But who knows? Maybe they’ll constitute that. :dracthyr_shrug:

there are fewer races that can be paladins than can be death knights.

Yes but DKs are the Anti-Paladins. We are the dark mirror.
So if Paladins can has, Technically we can has but dark and spoopy.

Vulp racial mount is a hyena, which could be a pretty baller deathchanger. I think a deathchanger alpaca would be more scary though.

‘Awe it’s a cute fluffy alpacOHMYGOD!!’ wet crunching noises


Some races wouldn’t make sense to have risen mounts. Another thing I thought of after posting this is, have quest line, and give the player a choice in which mount they raise. So you do the quest line and at the end you are presented with the corpse of several racial mounts from your faction and you choose one. On the subject of horses, use the updated version that the 4 horsemen get in Legion. Maybe have the quest line say that as a DK, you can only raise one mount every set amount of time, but that would allow the player to eventually get all of them.

It wouldnt be too out of the question for gnome and goblin death knights to build a mount that fits the scourge theme. Lots of skulls, decorative rib cages, brimming with blue lich fire.

Put glowing blue runes on them like that drake people just got for doing the DK starting zone in wrath classic. take those runes and slap them on the mount.

I hope you don’t mean like a Meat Wagon.

I don’t think you understand my confusion.

Can we all agree that we want a Motorbike scourge themed mount called the Lichcycle?