Dude are you serious “button bloat” there’s literally no button bloat for damaging abilities as MM hunter you already took away double tap and now you remove chakrams the only unique ability we get to press once a while?? Now we are literally a 3 button spec Aim shot- arcane shot - rapid fire……
chakrams was also a great ability for mm In pvp to have some on demand burst dmg this change feels bad not good. As a hunter I feel like I just keep losing tools in my kit
Also removed steel trap like dude as a pvper you’re taking away all my unique abilities in this game.
Rip to hunter the only class without a single covenant ability now
there’s no button bloat in hunter lol why didn’t they go after spriest or something
as for steel trap just make it baseline and do no damage so it’s never used in PVE
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
It was a root with a DoT. Hardly a unique mechanic.
Implosion Trap sounds better too.
Death chakram was a class fantasy for me, besides as a hunter there aren’t as many abilities as other classes. If anything it felt good to have it while playing as a Survival hunter ![:pensive: :pensive:](https://d38bqls1q93fod.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/pensive.png?v=12)
Nothing screams hunter more than a magical thing bouncing at the same target for a while
Yeah, chakram never felt ‘hunter’ in any way, shape or form for me, won’t miss it.
This. I got rogue vibes for it. But rogue does not need more buttons. lol.
Steel trap was unique no one used it for the dmg but the kind of root it was. It countered classss like rogue and dh that would be stuck in it for 8 seconds. As a rank 1 hunter I think I know abilities bring to the table. Also implosion trap on a 1.5 min cd is pretty garbage
I like Death Chakram and don’t have this button bloat they are talking about. If they want to address that, go look at Monk and Shaman. Do absolutely anything with Shaman. I dare you Blizz.
From my beta testing so far, I absolutely don’t miss it. Feels smoother and you can get to your burst faster.
Don’t forget Steady Shot! NOW we’re at four! ![:melting_face: :melting_face:](https://d38bqls1q93fod.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/melting_face.png?v=12)
TBH I never really liked Death Chakram but that might have been a bias since I wanted our Shadowlands ability that stayed around be Wild Spirits. Again just a biased opinion.
It isn’t about number of spells.
It’s how they work together.
But you’re also forgetting Explosive Shot, Kill Shot, Volley, and Barrage will also be taken probably in all AOE builds due to its placement.
And if you really want a button just to press of CD, Dark Ranger for Black Arrow.
And that’s ignoring True Shot, Trinkets, all utility, defensives, and movement spells.
They’ve already confirmed Shaman changes inbound next week.
I don’t really keep up with whatever the ideal rotation is, but death chakram was really handy for regaining a lot of focus when I was low, seeing it gone is a shame and I hope we get something to fill that gap.
I hope they are good because the 30% buff ain’t it.
yea me too playing my bm hunter in beta now. Wish animation from our hero talents at least matches warlocks though… they get to summon raid bosses we get ummmm nothing if you play pack leader or dark ranger.
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Was it “cool to press”? Sure, but I get why they removed it. The damage afforded by it is baked into the class. Losing this ability will not make hunters any more or less skillful.
Look on the bright side, you now have an extra keybind that will allow you to put your pet on passive that still escapes some hunters to this day.
We sort of have the Venthyr Kill Shot splash damage, although it’s not nearly as good as the actual Venthyr version.
Flayed Shot was better IDK why they chose Chakram.
We already have a talent that does what Flayed Shot did.
Feels more Demon Hunter to me