Death Battle is doing Lich King vs Sauron fight

It does, but superman can get power from other yellow suns, and blue suns boost his power even more. The more important detail is how superman metabolizes that energy. When he exiled himself into the sun for 15k years, it gave him literally god-level powers. If you quantify 15k years of energy it isnt unlimited, so there is another factor on how superman gets his final power level.

As for his other limitations, Kingdom Come superman who has absorbed solar energy for 30 years more than mainline Superman, is no longer vulnerable to solar power loss or kryptonite. Magic remains his ‘weakness’ which is somewhat a misnomer, he has the same resistance as someone of his physical ability just no invulnerability like normal damage. Superman 1million is supposedly immune to practically anything, but recent DC one million comics does show hes still vulnerable to extreme magic being like the original 7 deadly sins. It doesnt show he was killed but it does imply he will return after healing.

I’m sure someone’s tried it at some point, flashbangs arent that hard to get really if you boil down to it. But I doubt it would kill him, just piss him off to the point he ‘might’ forget about his no killing rule. I’d still wager at most it would annoy him and not do any real damage.

As written, Balefire should be able to erase Supes. The question would be if its automatic or requires some sort of aim and, more imoprtantly, what would happen if you erase someone as powerful and as wide-affecting as superman. Superman travels so fast if balefire requires some sort of aim it would take a superhuman with speed or magic use with some sort of aim assist spell to hit superman. And the second point, negating Superman would prolly destroy not just the universe balefire was in, but multiple universes since Superman’s actions as affected more than one universe if not all. In that situation it would be more of a draw.

Even so, the power of one or two or even a few thousand stars pales in comparison to Goku.

And I say this as someone who really isn’t invested in Goku at all. His power scaling is just stupidly overblown to the point where he literally cannot fight at full power within our universe at the risk of destroying it just by existing.

The point is that he can’t be said to be limitless. There’s some sort of power-in power-out equation for him that dictates how powerful he can be. More sun = more stronk. Presumably though, he would be at some kind of baseline of power from passively absorbing the sun which would have a definable power level that “Guy in Orange Gi” could catch up to and potentially pass.

I mean, just speaking practically, if Superman actually had no limitations to how powerful he was at any given moment, how did he get killed by Doomsday or get beat up by Darkseid?


They had to go into an infinite void outside the universe(s) to let him use his full power. And Goku was sending reverberations out that reached infinity and echoed back, however the heck that works.

It’s basically just nonsense. You get into complete nonsense when you get up to those kind of power levels. Punching through universes, blowing up universes accidentally, tangibly surpassing the infinite, and so forth. That’s why I find these conversations kind of dumb, because how do you compare one absurdity to another?

The thing with deathbattles is they largely come down to who has a gimmick that trumps the other or a counter that can’t be countered. There have been matches where the winner isn’t the physically strongest because what good is raw strength if the opponent is too fast to be hit or can take the hit(s) or otherwise can’t be killed/put down.

They also use inly canon references but have no qualms with going for the most obscure fact they can come up with. The Superman vs Goku battles people keep harping on are perfect examples here. They take the fact superman has lifted infinity (with help though the help wasn’t needed) as a metric of potential strength that Goku just can not surpass. They even explicitly state which “version” they are comparing too.

I’m sure the armies of both Sauron and Lich King will get an honorable mention, but I doubt they’ll really amount to much unless, again, it’s some gimmick that turns them into a win condition. My guess is Sauron will win this handily or the Lich King wins because of some gotcha.

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It does get rather philosophical, doesn’t it? Superman does have incredible power, but the authors generally go to great lengths to define the scope and mechanics of that power. But the simple act of being able to define his power sets an inherent limit. Whereas Goku’s power is, as you say, nonsense that is unencumbered by things like logic and scope and even internal consistency. I think the sheer ridiculousness of Goku’s ill-defined power (and the fact that it is ill-defined) trumps anything we’ve seen from Superman.

And again, I say this as someone who is generally going to prefer a Superman story over Goku, specifically because I like that internal logic that Superman has (when he isn’t shooting little Supermen from his hands).

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Some things to point out: multiple Supermen is not an issue, Deathbattle specifically stated in their second bout that they ONLY used Post-crisis, which thanks to the latest reboot of DC is also pre-crisis Superman as well just in different points of his life story.

Another thing: Goku cannot breath in space, Toriyama confirmed fights that “appear” to be in space are just outer atmosphere, Goku cannot survive extreme cold/heat and two of Superman’s most basic powers reach sub zero and temps hot enough to restart stars and burn away planets
 Super man also has YEARS worth of feats of being unaffected by foes on God of Destruction level
 OR HIGHER. No matter how many transformations, the end result WAS correct.

Goku could even become his universe’s next God of Destruction or even replace Zeno, and it just wouldn’t matter, cause Superman and people who scale to him have defeated as omni-capable beings before
 see the Zatanna fight recently where it’s stated she scales to Superman in certain aspects, and she basically killed the god of all of DC.

Plus, according to Lex Luthor Life energy (the component of Chi/Ki) would actually FUEL Superman in Torquasm-Rao mode
 meaning Goku wouldn’t be harming Superman, he’d be feeding him more raw power with every single Ki blast. It doesn’t help that Torquasm-Rao is also Superman’s equivalent of ultrainstinct that he unlocked long before Dragonball Super was a thing.

But I do give the announcers props at trying to explain why that gimmick was op enough to win without saying we flipped a coin to decide who wins. :smile:

Though there are some battles that can be considered “fair” like Thanos vs. Darkseid . While others are questionable like Popeye vs One-Punch Man.

In the end, does it really matter? Everyone knows that Batman with prep time > all.

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Sure. I enjoy them mostly to learn obscure facts and get an honest attempt at objective analysis on things purely meant to be fantasy. Anyone getting actually bent out of shape needs to take a step back and get some perspective. I honestly expect the match to be fair too and doubt even Blizzard cares if Arthas gets stomped because it gets his name out there which is their main objective.

It’s also kind of fun to try and spot “the moment” where they hint or allude to what ultimately won a battle as they are giving the rundown for each side. Like “yep that right there just cinched it”.


Go great DEATHBATTLES wars have escaped the YouTube comment section and entered wow

Mods are on a coffee break I guess

Some day people will stop busting out torches and pitchforks for a thing existing just because their favorite lost once, and learn to just enjoy cool punchy fighty animation with fun nerdy explanations for why whoever won did


True, i think DB made a major mistake saying Superman has no limits. More accurately, he sets the limits. And it fluctuates so much because he has had so many writers interpret his power as dictated by the needs of the story.

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Not even remotely close. Sauron stomps.

Agreed, if metal manipulation extends to artificial metals like Saronite
 R.I.P. Lich King
 Armor of the Damned was all that was keeping Sauron from magically killing him in any number of ways.

Also Sauron and Gandalf being elder gods is either the most BRILLIANT (or inconceivably dumb) plot twist I think I’ve ever seen
 just cause of how badly they get thrashed in just about any LoTR medium they appear in.

Let’s be real though
it took 40 “nobodies” to defeat Arthas. Not even Tirion Fordring could stop Arthas. Sauron was defeated just because he got his finger chopped off and a ring was thrown in the fire.

((yes I am being sarcastic
a bit)

People still care about Death Battle?

Naw. One punch man > all. One punch man could punch superman into goku and they’d both die in that one punch. Meanwhile batman’s head exploded witnessing it.

If we’re including their armies, LK, orcs are plebs that would just feed the LKs army

1 on 1 though, hard to say, as a casual lotr fan I really don’t have a good grasp on what sauron can actually do.

I will say this, when sauron had the ring and whatnot, he was defeated by some schmuck with a sword, Arthas was defeated by the light itself intervening and empowering a guy with a sword forged of pure holy power.