Death Battle is doing Lich King vs Sauron fight

The lich king? The same man who fell to the whispers of nerzhul? :slight_smile: It’s Sauron and its not close. :cloud_with_rain:

I know its not part of the conversation but if i had to choose someone id take rand althor vs sauron and the LK teamed up xD.

Those 2 are just not really that powerful tbh.
Heck id take Saitama over them. (One punch man xD)

But were talking about actual feats here…swinging a mace to take out 20 average troops is no big deal when your the boss of an army with super natural powers. LK has proven so much more OP because they never showed anything from Sauron himself apart from swinging a weapon around.

He’s only other power is mind control through eye contact.

Yea thats a very fair point.
If were talking armies included LK wins 10/10 times.

Sauron kills 20, lk raises 20. Not really fair in that context lol.

I mean realistically we should NEVER have been able to defeat the LK, but its an MMO and we have unlimited numbers for population lol.

Sauron was defeated by a couple of level 1 hobbits.

Lich King defeated by the 26 most powerful and competent fighters on the planet.

Yep, which realistically was only achieved because its an MMO. In a real scenario we would all be serving the LK.

:laughing: :rofl: :laughing: :rofl: Aaaaaaah HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Thanks. I needed that.

Btw… Lich King wins. And if Sauron went up against Darth Vader, he’d lose that one too. The reason being that Sauron is a “low magic” character. The Lich King and Darth Vader are “high magic” characters. It’s all a matter of what the universe will let you get away with, in Sauron’s case? Not much. Bugs Bunny could beat Sauron.

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In bug’s defense. He literally has reality warping abilities.

We should never have been able to beat Kil’jaedan either, in lore he was way more powerful then ingame too.

WoW can never decide how strong we are. Jaina, Sylvanas, and Anduin are raid-bosses, and yet we’ve proven we should be at least as powerful if not more so than any of those character because we’ve faced down the likes of Archimonde in battle and prevailed.

The Black Gate is honestly the biggest :peach:-pull I’ve ever seen to be honest. Taking down all of Archimonde’s lieutenants at once and then facing the lord of the Eredar with only Dadgar, Grom, and Yrel backing us up? No shot.

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I mean, this is literally the point of Saiyans, and why Superman has no limits thing is so stupid.

Saiyans in general get stronger during a fight. The more they fight, the closer to power they get to the person they are fighting, until they are stronger than that person. Unless Superman just out and out kills Goku the first moment he gets, and it’s questionable if he can with Goku’s feats, even if superman is stronger, he won’t STAY stronger.

I’m just saiyan…

These debates about Goku and Superman are something else, outside of cosmic armor supes, 5th dimensional imp supes and milk man supes Goku is gonna clap and i dont mean the canon Goku i mean Dragon Ball Heroes Goku where things get even more insane. All in all all told if you’re counting every current known version of each character Superman is gonna win. If you only count the traditional characters everyone thinks about when you say the two names Goku wins, just depends on how you want to look at it.

I mean in the comic book where Venom finds his way to Metropolis he beats the snot out of superman to the point of stand still until Spider-Man shows up and shares Venom’s weaknesses with him. In no normal circumstance does Venom come anywhere even remotely close to the strength of superman, also Supes died to Doomsday clearly showing the “traditional Superman” has a limit.

Also like someone above said Goku is just gonna scale in power to whomever he is fighting even if he is behind so its a kill Goku in a single blow or risk losing kinda thing.

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This topic of power levels made me think about something else. I’ve been reading the War of the Ancients books, I’m a good chunk into the third book now, and yeah… Sargeras is insanely powerful.

He literally just willed Xavius back into existence. Malfurion blew up Xavius and Sargeras just said “I’m not done with you” and just willed Xavius back into existence in a new body brimming with both dark power and otherworldly knowledge. That’s nuts. Xavius isn’t a top-tier threat by any means, but he’s at least as powerful as the likes of Khadgar or Gandalf or whatever other powerful Wizard or Warlock.

How in the %%%% are we supposed to believe Zovaal is even close to the same power level as Sargy? We literally just use the power of friendship to decide Zovaal can’t mind-control us and then we actually just clap his cheeks. Titan++ my :peach:, lol. Zovaal has to be EASILY the most overhyped villain in this franchise. I wouldn’t even put Zovaal in the same league as Archimonde if I’m being perfectly honest.


Yeah, I feel like this is the kind of fight that wouldn’t be direct, Sauron would sooner “Mal’ganis” Arthas into a willing subject than try to eliminate him directly, what with him being an influential prince/king making him an extremely useful tool.

As much as I dislike superman canonically, he has infinite or virtually infinite power. His limitations and weaknesses outside of kryptonite are entirely self-imposed. In an episode of smallville a guy who can see someone’s death see’s superman living forever. I imagine only the big crunch will be able to kill him permanently. I think there was a comic book issue having him outlive the sun?

I’m sorry but Goku can’t compare. Unless Goku has some kryptonite he physically will be unable to kill superman even in a billion years. You also can’t get stronger than infinite. Best bet is a fight that never ends until the heat death of the universe. Or Goku dies.

I think it ultimately comes down to who is writing the story in truth because Supers has been insane in strength and fodder at other times.

Rand Al’thor could 1 shot super man, just sayain.

One word :Balefire

At the beginning of Dragon Ball Super, Goku’s punches were threatening to destroy the Universe. He’s increased in power literally hundreds of times since then.

And then there is Vegita. Who knows a technique to separate foreign energy from someone. Superman can be all powerful all he wants, right up until he doesn’t have sunlight.


I think even Goku would be vulnerable to being deleted from time.

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