Death at 57 SF...what I learned

As a warlock in classic in 2019 I had a lot of fun seeing the old version of the game again. I never did the private route and it was rough playing again with the realization that a simple wand was a key for survival. I think my first death was 11-12. That lock made it and joined a good guild along the way with a classic community centered on one xp and goal.

But now I have seen the glass break and the community shattered to Cata/Wrath or SOD or Classic or HC. The once thriving community is splintered through new choices and new divides. Maybe you feel this or you donā€™t, but it doesnā€™t stop it from being what a lot are experiencing atm.

I first played a lot of alliance toons on HC and found ways to die as a rogue a lot, decent priests, and a good run on a pally. But at 46 on my pally the guild collapsed due to splintering and when I decided on hc again it was to roll horde.

I knew the route I wanted to take for my orc lock. First hiccup was doing void quest in scull rockā€¦strongly rec uc one here haha. But then mostly alright. At 37 I managed to strafe off freewind post plat and perished. You know reply R is so close to E key but hey there I was falling from the platform knowing the splat was inc fast. I knew if I got that far I could go fartherā€¦u know we go again!

So I made my new lock and made it to the 20s. When the server was dead I leveled and died as a warrior just for a fresh SFK to pop. Long live terokmoo ><. I was back on track. I survived wipes in sm lib, with void sacc and players not able to understand a monk pat as we exited. These were the players available but it was a challenge as I leveled to find groups. I restored most of my gear but I soon realized finding 5 ppl for a group past 40 was a fools errand.

For me part of the classic experience is dungeoning and questing with new people, not a question of survival. For my part in hc somehow I have survived in every dungeon even the partial wipes. Still this was my first toon in the 50s on DP and to not have the bloody carrot on a stick just seemed unacceptable. I completed the prereqs for ST, I woulda loved the hinter elitesā€¦but as you level grinding is the only way as groups are not to be found. Yes there is splintering but also I wonder if there is a way to allow players back, even in death, to continue in HC, like a ranking vs deletion.

I knew the grind spots in the 40s and low 50s. One day on an alt I saw a lot of tailoring patterns I coulda bought and used on the AH, but I was SF and needed to continue. But as I grinded there was no server pop, no groups, just single player. I like hc but we need more than this for hc to thrive.

Wow ok u survived this far so Iā€™ll tell u how I died. At 57, my lock new it should grind solo but a guildie and fellow lock wanted help on a quest. It was a lock quest in Felwood that led to fighting an inferno elite. It aggrod, b4 we both expected it, I ended up going down, but guildie used a lot to make it. Does it suck, yeah but Iā€™m glad in a way it went that way. I was helping a guildieā€¦I was playing as classic is intended, not just solo grinding.

At the end of the day my lock, Teroknoir, only made it to 57 as Sf but even if I made it all the way I have come to realize how shattered the classic community is. I feel like at this point blizz canā€™t be relied upon to right this wrong. To me they are more focused on bottom lines than a thriving community.

To me the solution may be the community as a whole picking one version and sticking to it to preserve the classic experience. Maybe this isnā€™t possible but I have seen the wall of ā€œnoā€ come down, and I think we can have a classic community again!


I understand where you come from, but I think this is a non-solution, because The community does not exist.

  • some like Vanilla
  • some want only Wrath or TBC or Cata
  • Some want changes
  • some are #NoChangers
  • Some want PvP and think PvE is only for carebears - or even worse derogatory terms.
  • Some want PvE and find PvP a royal P.I.T.A
  • Some want fresh
  • some want to keep their progress
  • Some want HC
  • some find this playmode a waste of time and ressources
    and so on and so forth

So if you want the player base to decide for only one version, youā€™ll get Tyranny of the majority, with many of the large minorities just quitting.

Good list, and you could break it down further even just looking at HC, with things like SF or for those crazy people a mode called ironman, also I suspect based on the actual populations, and unlike what many on the boards would like you to find, many actually even like and are having fun in SOD, and never forget the few, the proud the actual RPers.

Iā€™m one of thos crazy ones - IronMen - and perfectly happy to play with personal additional rules on the HC servers.
But admitted, I forgot SoD - I do not do seasonals - and the RP community - which I even was a part of for many years.

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I donā€™t believe thereā€™s a ā€˜wrong wayā€™ to play this game. If you are having fun, you are playing correctly. (just my 2 cents)

You really canā€™t control what other players want to do/play.
I play on DP Alliance, I think the community there is great. Some come and go, some play only HC. Adapt to these circumstances, and welcome back those who took a bit of time off to do whatever. Life is full of change, embrace it.

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I had fun strolling to new places to visit with Terry.
Why canā€™t people see beyond his scales and bad breath to the beauty inside?

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I agree, thereā€™s no wrong way to play WoW - I am tempted to add: As long as your fun does not actively spoil the fun of others.


my best advice is, if youā€™re a dps intending to do groups, always get the reduced threat talents :expressionless: it could save your life one day.

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Iā€™m guessing he invited you to dinner. Was he polite enough to ask you how you like it?
Rare, Meduim, Well done ā€¦


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It was BYOK - bring your own ketchup.