I do hope Death and Decay is added back to Frost in Shadowlands. It is a very iconic skill and I miss it dearly (along with Raise Dead which as shown in Blizzcon).
I know I could go unholy for DnD as a dps, but what if I do not want a pet?
So, I hope DnD along with Raise Dead get back for all specs and, hopefully, Anti-Magic Zone (probably as a talent).
I miss death siphon a ton. DnD would be a good step with also stance dancing again…you know when we used swap around presences to chase people down, get more runes, get a defensive increase… was a nice way to play around and be versitile.
Do’oh. It’s been years. Either way, the animation was baller. Would be rad as a glyph for death and decay, especially with Blood’s slowing effect for the spell.