Death and Decay is a iconic ability!

I do hope Death and Decay is added back to Frost in Shadowlands. It is a very iconic skill and I miss it dearly (along with Raise Dead which as shown in Blizzcon).

I know I could go unholy for DnD as a dps, but what if I do not want a pet?

So, I hope DnD along with Raise Dead get back for all specs and, hopefully, Anti-Magic Zone (probably as a talent).


I miss the obscenely old graphic that had skeletal hands reaching up out of the ground as if they’re grabbing folks.


I wish we could get that as a glyph, loved how it looked like a giant rune.


I miss death siphon a ton. DnD would be a good step with also stance dancing again…you know when we used swap around presences to chase people down, get more runes, get a defensive increase… was a nice way to play around and be versitile.


Well, according to an interview Death and Decay will be available to Frost in 9.0 (and Blood will be getting Chains of Ice, too!)


oh gawd finally. I’ve loved pvping as a Blood dk! this is GOOD news!


if they can change it so DnD does shadowfrost damage it would be even better


Death and Decay ftw!

Curious to what kinda flavor they will add to it. Blood, hs cleaves, unh, ss cleaves, frost, oblit cleaves?

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i hope they remove that cleaving in DnD and just give unholy BB back

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that was desecration

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Do’oh. It’s been years. Either way, the animation was baller. Would be rad as a glyph for death and decay, especially with Blood’s slowing effect for the spell.

I wouldn’t mind having Desecrated Ground back. Stop those annoying Mage/rogue openers without blowing IBF.


So you don’t want to play unholy because you have to have a pet, but you want all your specs to have a pet? Doesn’t make sense.

with that and gettig rid of IBF maybe we can have unbreakable armor back

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That would be dope

anyone else want to see des grnd and UB combo and get rid off the 3 min ibf

Remorseless winter is Frosts Death and Decay.

Old Rune system
MOP/WOD blood tap
Gorfeinds Grasp
Dark Sim
Old Howling blast
Old Horn of winter

Would be way more nice to get back

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“Is a iconic.” You don’t say?

Thats awesome!