Please just delete Ashran from the ebg queue. There are some good things I could say about it. But ultimately nothing that can balance the scale given how awful an experience it is to accept queue only to find out you got a free deserter penalty. The map was not really designed to be a normal BG, and it doesn’t function well in that capacity. If these were merely my personal feelings, I’d shut up and suck it up. But every time I get into an Ashran (which is frustratingly often) even when I try to make the best of it, the rest of my team spams chat with how much they hate it, how much it sucks, how they are going to go fish for 15 minutes instead, and unsurprisingly, after the first clash people just start leaving in mass. Its not even about winning or losing at this point. Ashran as a bg just isn’t fun.
I would agree, the map is not right for a short term epic bg. It goes 90% unused as such.
Ashran as it’s own thing ought to be brought back. Some of us love the WoD version. in a lot of ways, Ashran is an entirely separate game. I ended up ignoring all the other content in WoD and geared all my alts up in Ashran and had a blast.
The Brawl is ok but not quite the same with only 25.
Good news! Your wish has been granted. So has the wish from every other player who wished to have a map deleted. Click the following link to see what you have left to play…
It comes up frustratingly often because it takes roughly 120 players to fill out the 40-man squad that is there when the gates open. I was watching my grid healer boxes blinking on and off like a Christmas tree with all of the players queueing in and instantly leaving only to be replaced by another player who would instantly leave.
If that type of data doesn’t send them a message that most players hate the content then I don’t know what will.
I almost never see any “moaning and groaning” in the Horde’s bg chat
Alliance player problem
Get good at PvP - stop trickleing in 1 or 2 at a time (Alliance is infamous for this ), learn to actually focus/interrupt the healers in the back, learn to do good DPS, use stuns and CC, stop constantly backpedaling and “running away” and maybe this won’t happen as often.
Alliance player problem
I think it’s a fun bg, it’s “the next best thing” to Southshore vs Tarren Mill so sometimes I’ll specific-queue for it when I’m just looking for some straight PvP. Great place to test out experimental AOE talent builds.
Whenever I see a new “Ashran” thread appear, I already know the OP/author is going to be an Alliance player without even opening/reading the thread, never fails
I stopped queueing for epics approximately a month after Trashcan came out. When was that? About a year ago? At the time it was 40 v 40.
I didn’t stop just because of Trashcan (although that was a big part of it). It was also the long queue times, sometimes exceeding 30 minutes, and then all of that queue time being wasted if you ended up with a group not playing to win. I would start raging in BG chat…it just wasn’t good, so I walked away from it.
my problem is the lag in Ashran, for what ever reason this bg lags for me 10 times worse than all other epic bgs, for this alone I leave instantly , not spending 25 mins of choppy lag fest of a map.