Dear Transmog Fans

New chain weapons would be cool. Unfortunately, I think flails will remain forever exclusive to the Mage Tower skins, though.

I finally got the cheesy-est mail armor pants ā€¦They took all the sexy gear from Vanilla out of the game and it sucksā€¦ Woman like to get Vampy at timesā€¦

I would love to see better leather armor, and specifically, leather armor made of fire!

I wish that the transmog sets from old raids, quests, and dungeons were all COMPLETE.

There are so many class recolor sets (for example, a DK set that paladins can obtain) which are incomplete.

Hell, so many sets in Antorus are incomplete even for the actual class that they are made for (no rogue shoes, no druid belts).

And also: the HEROD setā€¦ that is a gorgeous red plate set that is missing half its armor.

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The only thing missing is the ability to loot any item and have its appearance be granted on any class so that you donā€™t have to re-farm for numerous things.

Edit: A personal one is that for those of us who achieved the gold Mists of Pandaria challenge dungeon achievement, we should have been granted every class set and not just for the one we achieved it on. For example I obtained the Paladin set but none of the others, I just want the others. They made gladiator mounts account wide they can grant me the other 10 sets.

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orc shaman sets from warcraft 3. They reeeeaaaally need to add it.

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I want a cowboy hat. :cowboy_hat_face:

Let me guess. A pink one with rhinestones?

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Especially a pink one with rhinestones!

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Thereā€™s glasses iā€™ve seen a few Panda females wearing - one at the Shrine and one out on Timeless - that I would kill to have.

I have good news for you.

Looks like we will eventually get these lovelies.

I earned the 2200+ elite pvp paladin set in Cataclysm, season 11 if i remember correctly. This is one of my favorite transmog sets of all time.

But, for some reason, Blizzard didnā€™t add a belt for this set and thus there is no matching belt. So the whole set looks off.

If I could ask for one piece of mog to be added, it would be for blizzard to complete this set by adding in a belt.

Any new shorts.

Most helms are awful.

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Some of the old sets have pieces that are white and canā€™t be transmogged. The leather Druid of the Fang set has a matching crafted helm that is cloth.

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Quivers for hunters and quivers with spears (head hunter).

A totem as a weapon for Tauren like in WC3.

We need more maskā€™s, tikis and tiki armor.
Also an updated Troll bone armor. The old one of course.

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short skirts (not necessarily really short mini skirts - just no more scraping the ground skirts)
off-hands that can be transmorged to shields. Iā€™d like my sword-wielding clothies to have a shield for the lols.
armor dyes (created by profession would be an added bonus)

Let professions make transmog items at least. Theyā€™ve been gutted of useful items for the most part. At least let us make ā€œfunā€ stuff with them.

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Not really any particular items, but I do wish Blizz would stop neglecting the Trial of Style vendors and add a new set of two for each armor type already.

Iā€™d like to see some good Hunter mogs. Thereā€™s only that one from Legion and maybe some from BC that are ok.

Loin cloths as pants and yes shorter skirts.
A WC3 grunt helm.
More backpacks and things like skulls on spikes, other trophies and different things as (instead of) capes.
Scarfs and scarf like thinks Troll hex docs are using: Example WC3 Reforged.

Armor like this:

And this: Especially the legs, shoulder, and the bones and tiki-wings instead of a cape.

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