Dear Thrall

Dear Thrall,

While it was nice to see you and the rest of the old gang show up, albeit at the bottom of the 9th per usual, during that Avengersesque hero shot cinematic, I do have one small favor to ask of you. Just one favor, just a little one. You ready for it? Here it is:

Please :clap: stop :clap: throwing :clap: your axe!!

Seriously man! It never works out! I think I even saw Jaina roll her eyes!

That’s all. If we could just work on that, that’d be great.

Your friend,
Braehawk :magic_wand:


Yah, my big issue with Metzen coming back…

We’re about to get a lot more of green jesus, and its not consensual

He just needs to hve the powers of Thor so his axe can return so he can just attempt it constantly


He just needs a bigger weapon. :hammer::robot:


Or a Chain of Returning…

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Dear Santa… :stuck_out_tongue:


All those years as a gladiator and he still has butterfingers. No wonder he went down the shaman path.

Didn’t you hear? He visited the multipurpose weapon trainer and is now an expert in crossbows and bolas.

He might even be a rogue. Or was it a paladin…unclear

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

And if you could have those TPS reports done by Monday.


That’d be greeeaaat.

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Yeah he needs to stop throwing his axe!

Tell that to Mezten :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:, because all this DF stuff is a copy+paste of everything Blizzard did without him in other words, all from Island of Hello Kitty soy wokecraft: Dragon-careflight.

So I think this is the last time we see a failed boomerang axe, seriously… I should learn from the DH’s, it does have boomerang warglaives.

Sorry, too much to ask.

We orcs love throwing our axes!

We even made it a sport.


Norman Cook is the only true Green Jesus!

I’m just thinking of that scene in Pumpkinhead.

“Its what you wanted”

Just cut to me being like the Witch in this scene to the folks happy for Metzen

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But… it very clearly did work out this time?

Dude, nobody is perfect. People like to complain about the cata story and then like to forget about all the other great stuff hes made

That made me laugh far harder than it should be, and my Diagram hurts from two days of non stop vomiting…

Except Metzen gave Thrall plot armor every single opportunity he had. And I have no issue with the good stuff he’s made, except when he goes all Thrall everything

Like why was Thrall talking to Anduin in War Within? He had a better relationship with Baine… Oh right, Green jesus

Oh mate I’m sorry XD

I was just trying to make a goofy gaff I didn’t wanna hurt you

still doesn’t matter. I have seen way worse storylines than that. Metzen is great