Dear rdf benediction tanks

when a healer says “I just hit 85, don’t be stupid” that means don’t pull the whole dungeon without stopping. If you do that, and die, don’t kick the healer. It’s always benediction, and it’s always a paladin tank. Please stop being bad, thanks


If you said don’t be stupid to me I’d pull more just to spite you.

You reap what you sow.

It’s amazing what a little kindness does in dungeons. There are better ways to go about this situation.


Another reason why we need realm-wide ignore.


Couldn’t you have said it without the insult


or, and i know this might sound insane, you could just say “i’m a fresh 85, can you please go slow” or tell them to be more careful, instead of calling them stupid. it actually goes a long way to just being polite when interacting with other people


I suspect if you had stated something like this when you zoned in:

"Hi all, I’m a new 85 so I’ll need to drink more often. "

I bet the tank/group would have gone slower.


Kicked a Pagle healer from my ZA run cuz he wouldn’t stop dispelling our buff “debuff”

And did zero healing

They are everywhere doesn’t matter what role…
Each server has their idiots


Calls tanks stupid, wonders why tanks don’t listen.


Because bene tanks are notoriously bad


One thing that might have been in play here is that they were using a healing UI that has “smart healing” enabled. It attempts to remove a debuff/curse/magic/etc first when you heal someone but in cases like this it is not very “smart”. It sometimes work and other times does not.

Healers should just turn that feature off and remove things manually. I wish some of the developers (and companies) would just stop with “smart features”.

Not saying that is the case here but I suspect it is, and they didn’t even know about it.

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I’m pretty sure no matter what is said, Benediction will kick anyone fresh to heroics. The irony is the majority of bads come from that same server lol.


100% this. She started off on the wrong foot and she got exactly what she deserved.


Always kick Pagle players, they are the worst.


Honestly healers’ fault

gem spirit or something. Favor REGEN over parse stats/talents that the guide told you to stack. Bring 300 water and 80 mage water from an AV. bring spirit gumbo food which is near-free in AH
Dont announce youre fresh or whatever. dont say anything at all

When a pack dies move ahead of the group so you can drink longer


I’d kick anyone just for typing that. Don’t be rude.


healing and tanking have always been a balance. if the tank sucks the healer has to heal more. If the healer sucks the tank has to be better at avoiding damage.


Did someone from Pagle win a roll on your bis? Seems like Pagle is living in your mind rent free :rofl:

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Dungeons don’t drop bis gear, you must be a Pagle player.

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No, but they do drop PreBis.

This whole BS attitude Benediction has with rolls is just plain silly! Also, when there’s only one cloth wearer in the group and is needing on cloth OS drops why tf are you wanting to kick the clothie for needing on gear that you can’t use?

Benediction suffers from thought deprivation.


Atleast with bendiction players you can finish the dungeon.

Try doing that with Pagle players as they stop to rp with every plant they walk by.

Or they back peddle and click and have 4 actions per minute or die to literally every mechanic.

Literally the lowest skilled players by far,

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