Dear Macro Guild Spammers


No one wants to join your guild when you suddenly decide to push that macro you created which invites whoever is in /who at the time. I don’t like having to go into my settings on every new character I create and check the “Block Guild Invites” button. You know they created that for you? Do you understand how annoying it is to be doing some form of quest or dungeon and the freaking Guild invite comes up and reminds me to block !@$& like that?

Also, what the heck is with your ridiculous whispers? How much more cliche can you get with, “Tired of guild drama? WELL HAVE I GOT THE PLACE FOR YOU!” Seriously. Just go back to your guild that no one talks in and leave the rest of us alone.

Probably most of the playerbase.


fighting for your life “Hello would you like to join guild X of Y?”


So, hate when I am out questing and at the worst possible time a ninja invite comes along that it got me killed, that one of the first things I do is check mark block guild invites. If only there was a way to block guild invite whispers my day would be perfect, but we need the ability to receive whispers on occasion.

Seriously if I want in a guild, I will look for one and not one thrust upon me. For me guild name matters and some of the names in this game just need to go, don’t fit in with a fantasy world we are trying to build.


You don’t know that, so try piping down.

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Who gets killed by a random guild invite lol you must hate when someone sends a group invite

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When I get random guild whispers I start responding like they decided to become my personal therapist, trauma dumping onto them until I get blocked.

I do this with every character. Works like a charm.


Gene Wilder or Nicholas Cage levels of ham?

Gary Busey levels.

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The whispers not so much, but when a guild invite pops up on your screen at the worst possible time, there are times it has led to a death. As far as group invites, those are very rare as most people don’t bother sending those out as you can help people outside a group environment. But for guild invites I get on average three an hour and I’ll get them from the same people as I swap characters.

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He’s like an older Jim Carrey… (specifically Ace Ventura)

I usually throw copy pasta at them, and I’ll do it in guild chat too if they invited me. Still wild to me the addons that spam and auto-ginvite people isn’t broken by Blizzard yet.

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If I get into the guild I will constantly give the smallest status updates. “Just got to Durotar.” “Met an orc named Zugallnight. He ganged me and tbagged me.” “Killed a raptor and skinned it.”


As the GM, I love doing those, especially without context…

There’s probably an addon out there that can do that for you.

I just throw them on ignore :slight_smile:


The invites I hate the most are the ones that spawn a button in front of you or the ones that whisper to you.

Spam it in general chat if you want. You can even put a clickable link so I can join your guild if I choose, but don’t do either (or both!) of the above things.