Dear GhostCrawler

This right here.

I remember horrible things people said concerning him back then. Horrible things.

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I really hated how challenge mode would scale you down. So specs that were heavily dependent on gear at the time were screwed. meanwhile those who relied on primary stats over secondary stats at that ilvl range were gods amongst men.

I’m glad they changed how the proving grounds scaled with you in WoD.

Who was it that brought us Cata again ?
“Wow dungeons are hard”
I used to enjoy healing, before “we want you to have more challenge as a healer and have to watch your mana”
etc etc etc…
No I do not miss him, HOWEVER I do miss the interaction he had on the forums, reading the water cooler and him actually stepping forward and putting himself out there, even in the face of certain negativity.
And his passion that was clearly visible.

Hmm considering all that actually yes it seems I do, just not some of his decisions…

Hate to say it but his replacement is a shadow.

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My hunter has him as pet.

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Doesn’t he work for League of Legends now?

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no, he works for Riot Games.

League of legends is a game, not the company :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe I’m thinking of Mark Kern? It’s hard to keep them straight. I blame dyslexia.

Last I checked Ghostcrawler was working on League, but it’s been literally years. I don’t know what he’s working on now.

I had gotten the then-new (and expensive!) heirloom shoulders and robe for my wee destro lock. The first bg I got into afterward was WSG. With a healer keeping me alive as long as possible, Alliance never got the flag out of the flag room.

She topped the DPS chart at 33k. As a level 20something.

To me Greg was the one that started the destruction of this game. He was a video gamer first and a role play gamer by a long second. He focused on game play like an MMORPG was like any other video game and all he thought about was increasing difficulty levels as if we were playing a side scroller and he wanted ramping levels.

He was the one that removed class flavor with bring the player not the class. He was the one that wanted healers to be just “healers” and not priests, shaman, druids or paladins. He was the one that left the EQ but better mentality and turned to the MMORPG junior style gameplay. Insert generic class here (and oh yeah I got one shot by a shaman in vanilla on my paladin so while each class should be equal, make sure shaman are the worst and paladins are completely overpowered.

To me, Greg ruined what MMORPGs were, and the subs since show it. People want flavor. 12 year olds want to show how leet they are in a computer game.

10 years from now…

“Dear Ion, we miss you”

This board hated Ghostcrawler too.


we dont deserve them…
the team are all too good for us…
i miss the day when we saw a blue poster in flippin gen dis

Nah I hated GC and still do. I will still hate Ion 10 years from no too.

Water strider
And I will blame him for Sylvanas too even if it isn’t his…

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Ghostcrawler used to have Lore’s job. He wasn’t a dev.

Uh… I am fairly certain WoD has gotten more hate over a single patch than BFA has it’s entire existence. The fact I don’t even need to say the patch number indicates it. There’s not a single patch in BFA that makes people groan about boring or no content as much as a single WoD patch. Legion got TONS of hate at the start for the AP grinding and legendaries for alts (remember when people were DELETING THEIR CHARACTERS?), it’s only remembered fondly because of the absolute 180 done for alts when Argus was released.

People just like to complain, everybody hated Ghostcrawler (though to be fair, I thought his developer chat where he explained that one of the things he learned that the playerbase will always be far more creative than the best designers in the world was awesome for so many reasons), and now they want him back, the same will happen with Ion undoubtedly.

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He had the same job as Ion has now.

Greg Street (alias Ghostcrawler) is the former Lead Systems Designer for World of Warcraft.

I was the lead systems designer on WoW. I managed about half the design department. My team was responsible for class design, combat, item design, encounters, and many of the features in the game like Dungeon Finder, Transmog and Achievements. As one of the leads on the team, I helped set the vision for the game as well.

Lore is only a community manager.

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Or “Let’s take out class sets. No one likes them anyway!”

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Yeah he pretty much stated that the team removed them because THEY felt that it was causing problems to the game. When in reality it was the way they patched the game and their own itemization issues.

Raid sets would probably have fixed some of the m+ vs raid gear complaints that we see today because raid sets are exclusive. Whatever though he’s the boss right