Dear GhostCrawler

You serious? You weren’t here around his time?

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No one misses WoD

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L2P N00bs. Seriously, ya’ll suck its not our design.

I hate Shaman and they need to be destroyed. Paladins 4 eva!

Two of GCs worst mistakes.

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That scares me. If the game gets so bad we want WoD back… yikes.

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This is the bit I don’t get. Before they nerfed the cata dungeons, Gregg said the people complaining should L2P (paraphrasing of course). One might miss that design direction, but don’t rose tint his legacy, he had many of faux pas.

He had his chance and blew it! This new guy doesn’t seem to be doing much better.

Wod was a terrible xpac. Outsude of raiding and questing… content patches worst they have ever been in wod. However u would take wod back for the better classesand pvp in a spec.

Thats not people missing WoD you read those completely wrong. Those are people saying how much worse BfA is than WoD which it is. If you ask all the people you qouted if WoD was a good xpac they all would still say yes.

Second, none of those quotes you linked said they missed WoD

Third’ Linking a couple qoutes doesn’t change the overall opinion of WoD. Did you know i can find people who say they like BFA as well? Doesnt make it a good expac or people will look fondly towards it in the future either.

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League of legends is hes home now.

He was right though. I did the cata dungeons while they were hard. It does make you get better as a player, and it brought back things like cc’ing trash, not face pulling, and learning the mechanics of each fight, as opposed to just face pulling and dps’ing the boss until loot dropped.

I blame the changes on the idiot parents and teachers of idiot millenials. All this crap like participation trophies, telling kids it doesn’t matter if they win or lose, just being there is important. Safe spaces, etc etc. All of that garbage has turned an entire generation into whiney snowflakes who want everything handed to them, are worried about getting their feelings hurt, and think competition is a bad thing. In short, ***** @ss, morons who can’t survive in the real world outside of their parents homes.

That kind of raging stupidity translates over to this (and other) games, and those of us who were taught to do your best, that losing is a valuable teacher, and that doing things because they are hard makes your goals and rewards feel the most fulfilling. Now we have to deal with these spineless losers, and unfortuneately, the devs seem to listen to them. We as a society, are now shackled to these vermin, and are now having to deal with them and their effects as a result of that feckless parenting.

Edit - As some posters have pointed out, it’s not entirely the fault of Millennials, but a heavy piece of their stupidity also lies with their teachers and parents.

I also wanted to clarify I’m talking about the group of retards that grew up in the early 2000’s and forward. I’m an 80’s kid and know that 80’s and 90’s kids are pretty well grounded for the most part.

He might, compared to working for the LoL audience.

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Dear Pesky Plumbers…

Least we know he is happy out there no longer designing games that people’s grandmother’s can play (his words not mine)

no we don’t

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The game would have to seriously go very far downhill for players to fondly think about BfA.
The difference with MoP and WoD was what people disliked about it and it being something easily overlooked over time.

MoP was mostly thematic hate, not the actual gameplay and design systems. It was all about the “joke expansion”.

WoD was hated mostly due to its terrible release schedule resulting in many months of simply no content, along with being the first time classes truly got pruned.
The actual game systems in WoD though weren’t really that bad, there was just nothing to do.

BfA has made terrible design choices that affect tbe game on a systems level which is where the big issue is.
Not only are the classes less fun to play, but there is so much “required” content that provide ridiculous power to your character yet don’t feel rewarding. On top of that, 90% of that content is the same content release in 8.0 and has been required since release.
I would love to see a WQ statistic for a player who has persisted through BfA. It would be interesting to see how many times a single WQ has been completed over the duration, I imagine the results would be shocking.


He admitted that LFR was a mistake, and I can respect him for that.

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I honestly think the MoP launch fiasco had more to do with the previous expansion being Cataclysm - which had a heavier, end of the world theme -, and the blizzcon teaser of Pandaria being very bland. Didn’t help that they made the male Pandaren look too kung-fu panda-ish. I mean, they could make him look stout, but the short legs and huge, floor-touching belly make them look goofy, and even to this day there are more female pandaren than male.

Did you really just say that GC put polish on BM hunter?

The guy who completely destroyed BM to such a degree in wrath that it went from top dps to literally the bottom. And was delegated to “solo gameplay” tier for what, like 2 expansions before it started to get fixed.

The guy who told everyone on the forums they were overreacting to the planned nerfs to BM. That it wouldn’t be as bad as we said it would be. Only for the community to be 100% correct on how bad it would be.

Yeah great polish

And I’m well aware it needed a nerf at the start of wrath, just about everyone knew it. But they completely destroyed the spec to such a degree it was mind boggling.