Dear Devs.... Are We Really staying away from the Voodoo? Hero Class?

Dear Devs,
Something occured to me seeing the new shaman transformation look…
THEY LITERALLY REMIND ME OF BWONSAMDI !! then i realized aren’t we good in the Orc Shaman Genre?? Can we go down the rabbit hole of Voodoo?? Witch Doctor hero Class?? Come on Guys with that wild hair look literally have Bwonsamdi Written on its Forehead -_-

I’m just saying shamans are a lil’ uber elemented out …The hero Class Selection should allow us to venture down the witch doctor mode and deal with Lua elements even summon one of those Wild Hair Women Ghost we always see through every expansion…
Or have your own Voodoo Mask Companion… Come on guys that would be way more cooler than…Farseer …

Its like Ya’ll just kicked Voljin and his people shaman Culture to the curb :frowning: (Voljin is literally in the background of the talent page lol )
I’m sure alliance wouldn’t mind having a little Voodoo running through Stormwind lol
Just Sayin…

P.S Still love the Expansion and you guys Most off all :heart:
Sincerely ,

Stay away from the voodoo mon