Dear Blizzard, Devote to art!

Dear Blizzard,

     I humbly request that you spend this expansion devoting a large quantity of resources to character customization. I have stated in another post that I believe a team of approximately 3-5 people, per race, could churn out many wonderful customization options for all the different races in a month. 

Let’s do the math on this. Let’s say we get 5 people per race. Alright 5 x 23 (Roughly 23 races) = 115 people.

Now I believe the average 3D artist yearly Salary is $71,630. I ran a quick google search for this statistic. I’m not saying you’d necessarily need this, but I think it’s the right number to go off of. Now let’s say we only give these artists say… 3 months to churn out some new customizations, right?

$71,630 / 12 = (Approximately 6,000) x 3 months of work = $18,000 x Now we have 115 workers that need to be paid for these 3 months of work = $2,070,000 needs to be paid to these artists to make 3 months worth of stuff.

Now here’s where things get interesting. On MMO Population WoW has approximately 102,516,308 active players/subscribers. Meaning at minimum each of these players would be putting in approximately 12 a month (If they were to all buy subs in bulk) 12 x 3 = 36, thats how much 1 person puts in per month now x that by how many players there are total 102,516,308 and you get approximately = $3,690,587,088. idk about you but that 2 million… seems pretty small in comparison, no?

Now I understand there are many other expenses that go into Blizzard, but I am certain that they could afford to fund a full time customization/art dev team for a solid 3 months, and be no worse for wear.

Btw, I found these numbers with quick google searches so they may not all be entirely 100% accurate as numbers change over time, but as of this moment these are the numbers I have and am going off of.

Please Blizzard, devote that 2-3 million on art teams to crank out a bunch of awesome new customizations for player races :smiley:

                                                                                 -With Love, A faithful WoW player

P.S. Apparently in the first Quarter of this year, Blizzard managed to pull in a whopping 580 Million. Imagine the number this quarter with Shadowlands sales. More than enough to devote to some art budgets eh?


Just have them take ideas from their art panel on the fansites.

They can’t legally pay you for the art.

But it’d be cool to see someone’s arts put into the game huh?

Well they still need someone to implement the art into the game itself. That’s what all these numbers are factoring in. Sure there are many amazing artists that have already drawn up stuff that would make WoW Racial customizations epic as all hell. However, you still need a 3D Modeler to create them and someone to implement them into the Live models. That’s why I suggest a 5 man team so you could have 2-4 working full time on designing and creating cool stuff for the races, while the 5th guy implements them in, or heck you might not even need the 5th guy to implement things, just have him make cool new customization options as well!

Ability customization would be pretty amazing like they did in d3 with the core ability reskin.

Maybe they’ll bring it back in 9.whatever

It’d be cool if they hired artists who specialized in creature design. Because well, its clear that the current artists specialize in character and environment design.

FF14 does this pretty often. Holds contests for gear sets or furniture for housing, then puts all of the winners’ art into the game. They’ve been adding furniture made up by the players ever since the last contest, which was probably a year ago at least. Saved them a ton of work I’m sure.

102 Million?! Not to derail your thread but I think there is a mistake in the numbers there.

At it’s highest point WoW only had 11 millionish subscribers.

I mean, I see that is what MMO Pop says…but not really believable.

I’d like to point out the chinese market is pretty high for WoW. Besides if WoW only has 11 mil subs. That would still approximate, at lowest, 102 mil per month, going off a $12 sub fee (I know its more for some ppl, but just bare with me on it XD)

I mean 102 million per month, That 2 million for 3 months work is still fairly reasonable I believe, no?

Even half that would still cover costs I’d think.