Last Tuesday’s buffs were a welcome bandaid but nowhere near enough. Give Scalecommander volatility baseline and Defy Fate / Chrono Ward Deep Breath effect for added group utility.
It makes little sense to dumpster Ebon Might when you could focus on tuning underpowered specs up to par with the over performers.
I was floored to see that they are giving balance druid some reworks when they are top of the line in M+ clearing 20s while. Dev can hardly handle 15-16.
Maneuverability needs to be baseline as well. Flame shaper for Dev needs to be completely tossed and rebuilt from the ground up.
rework doest not mean balance patch. it means the spec plays like trash and improvment of playstyle. 2 different things and probably also 2 different teams
Honestly my favorite Evoker spec to play is preservation. It’s the most fun of the three and actually feels like you are contributing something. Yeah Aug can be op in the right comp but it never feels like it’s good to play.
Point is Evoker has a spec which is terrible at damage and feels awful to play, yet the S tier balance druid who already had a rework this season is getting another one.
TBH Blizzard need to give up on the “mid-range caster” concept and just give Pres/Dev 40 yard range like every other ranged.
Weakness for the sake of “flavour” feels terrible. Nothing those specs do would be OP if they had the same range that other range DPS/Healers have, not when Resto Druid and BM Hunter already exist with perma mobility.
Devoker is currently the only spec not represented for the title this season. The highest logged dps for Dev was just over 1.7mill dps. in a +15 dawn breaker. My guild member beat that on his alt paladin in a NW pushing over 1.8mill dps.
You are literally the dog in a buring house meme saying “this is fine.”
As someone who isn’t pushing super-hard in M+, not being in title range isn’t something that I’d be caring for. Aug existing already puts dev at a major disadvantage when pushing title.
Also, you can’t compare Dawnbreaker damage to Necrotic Wake damage because Necrotic Wake has a much higher target count on trash pulls which means more AoE and you also can’t compare Warcraftlogs Dungeon DPS to Details Dungeon DPS, ignoring the fact that 1.7 isn’t even the highest dungeon DPS parse for Devastation this season, there are others over 2mil (which would be 2.5mil in Details DPS, in case you’re wondering).
At the time of my comment it was the highest recorded according to
You not caring about being in title range has nothing to do with Dev being the only spec not represented. That crass argument can be made for Feral druid, MM hunter, BM hunter, and shadow priest. Yet they all have enough to be in title where Dev evoker is completely scuffed.
Regardless of the two dungeons the fact an alt ret comes anywhere near the top damage for Devs shows how terrible of a state the spec is in.
I also never mentioned Details, only log numbers here “Logged dps”. (In case you’re wondering)
Tbh I hate tier lists. Tier doesn’t really matter.
It’s all about the player. I almost beat a 631 boomy last night that was 2800. This lil ol surv hunter at 622 and 2300 was 70k damage behind them OVERALL lol.
I was usually ahead of them in dps and damage too.
And I don’t agree with this either. The damage can be quite silly. I do agree though that is feels awful to play, more so just boring. It’s a 2 button spec.
But when it has the disintegration beam aoe proc and you know how to use empowered in accordance with the number of mobs and such. The damage can be pretty insane. is silly because if you click the ‘Top Log’ on there, it sends you to a 16 AK, which is strange since it wasn’t the first 16 AK timed with Devastation, nor was it the highest AK timed with Devastation, nor was it the highest DPS amount recorded by Devastation in AK as it was beat by reports that happened before the one it linked to.
It’s like trying to put a filter over Warcraft logs and having someone else summarize for you, it isn’t as accurate as just looking at Warcraft logs. So, your summarized by Bob version of Warcraft logs was incorrect when you said it, and it is still ‘incorrect’ now.
Like, I’ve done more damage than what you were talking about in keys where I died with Spymaster stacks so I’m going to trust my judgment there.
Dev having lower representation is simply from other classes having better M+ tuning and interaction with Aug, while Dev has okay tuning (middling performance, not OP but not garbage tier) they have negative interaction with an Aug in 5-man content because the only throughput buff Evokers bring is for healers which doesn’t stack and all of those top-runs? Running with aug/meta comps.