Dear Alliance, what's wrong with you?

well said, perhaps soon you too will see the righteous supremacy in the way of the Comrade, for the People, and the Worker…


Red=dead, especially if its a weak target.

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Looks both ways


“I helped a Tauren finish his Whirlwind Axe quest.”


Shame to you and your kind!

To be fair, of all the times I’ve been ganked so far, only one of them has been a tauren and I think he accidentally shot me. (He died for it though)

It’s always an undead or orc with a very rare troll.

You answered your own question, Im not going to attack someone thats peacefullly questing, at half HP, that would be like killing lowbies, We have Honor. Ask your Orc and Tauren friends about it.

That being said, if I see an undead rouge at my level , and you dont wave, your gonna die badly. Becasue most people who roll those, are here to gank.

/e urinates in eye sockets, laughing maniacally (can horde see our emotes on rp servers?)…maybe stick to spitting.

I could be wrong but I think the horde sees that as “Farcex makes some strange gestures.”

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Pathetic night elf degeneracy on display. We must destroy their bourguoise society at all costs

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Why would I waste my time with inferior creatures?

Red=dead. In your case, doubly so, you wretched skeletal communist.

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Foolish Alliance, laboring for scraps and flowers, to please their bourgeoisie masters.

Personally, I need a reason to try and kill the opposite faction. Right now, without the Honor System or PvP gear, theres more reasons than not to avoid engagements.

I still find myself engaging in plenty of WPvP tho. If my guildies ask me for help with a higher level camping them, Ill help out. If I see a Horde and Alliance duking it out, Ill usually step in there too. If an Alliance tries to invade my territory when Im farming it becomes a free for all death match to decide who gets the spot.

At the end of the day, its currently a waste of my time to stop what Im doing and dismount to kill some Alliance at half health fighting a mob that I dont need. So I dont bother.

When theyre worth a tangible currency in the form of Honor on the other hand… my daggers will run red with their blood.

It helps that my RP leaves my character with no real loyalty to the Horde :wink:


Opportunistic, just like a real rogue.

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I usually just leave them be, leveling right now is one hell of a grind and with a full time job under my belt i want to achive at least half way to a level if not full level.

Besides, half of the times i do try to gank i forget my crippling posions or my weapons are broken and i’m chasing the poor Horde halfway across the land with fisty cuffs.

I like to sit in blackrock mountain. Maybe kill a few folks. Y’know, to pass the time.


Oh man, in vanilla it was my shaman and 2 rogues almost permanently camped in there.

Alliance would jump me, and out sprout 2 rogues. Fun was had.

I prefer a fair fight, but if ye wish ta be smote, then smite ya I will, rotter!

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