Dear Alliance Players

Indoor plumbing.


Over rated, besides you got gnomes that is what they are for.

we used to have gnomes, but they turned green after years of use. Now they are called goblins.

And Night Elf boys. I’m probably the only one who actually likes them, but tall and lanky is my aesthetic.

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Haha the image is so big, it doesn’t work.

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Meh… I play both sides so I win either way.

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Sooo… I’m basically an ancient relic of the past (haven’t played WoW in 10 years).

This lack of faction pride bothers me greatly, what caused people to stop caring?

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Faction transfers, blending the factions together by working alongside one another all the time, and it’s just not really at the forefront anymore.

Factions really don’t matter when you can play both sides with ease - gone are the days it was a huge undertaking.


Mostly cross realm zones in my opinion. World PvP used to be cool when servers was locked and you ended up having guilds on the other faction which was well known for murdering your people. It made faction feel better idk.

There is the existence of this in Classic. Generally, Horde players see Alliance as cowards and weak (despite the fact most encounters the Horde don’t initiate unless they have the power or number advantage), and the Alliance see the Horde as the absolute degenerate scum that they are.

But that’s on Classic. On retail, it’s no different.


I used to play Alliance in Vanilla for a bit, even though Horde was always my favorite faction. I liked being Alliance in Vanilla though because it was so easy to rile people up during a TM SS Battle enough to get them to take the battle and push it all the way to the undercity. Those was fun times.

Looks like my haters are out again. lol flagged. :roll_eyes:

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Them flying mounts is what killed old school PvP.

BGs did. There weren’t many reasons to be out in the world, and BGs offered far more lucrative honour gains. There’s still PvP in the world in Classic, but it’s a far cry from phase 2 thankfully. Flight made it easier to avoid world PvP, but Arenas too were a huge draw from the population in the world.

There was as much world PvP in farming hotspots and other places you’d bump into each other as there was in vanilla post-BGs.

The Horde is like your trailerpark hillbilly cousins. You’re uncomfortable being with them and embarrassed being seen with them because of how they act. Their couch is covered in fleas and they have never swept their floor.

Your definition of “cool” is… ugly? Because that’s why I don’t play Horde. They were literally all ugly except for one race.

Be serious, how old are you to think that’s appealing? My parents are into that stuff. It’s old people stuff.

We are so lucky that all of the attractive boys are on our side, honestly, I don’t see how this is anything but a bonus.


Honest question, what was so bad about this thread that it needed to be reported? Is Faction pride really all that offensive?

You spam the forums a lot and generally try and bait people. It’s the same with Ralph.


How dare you. I should report you, that is offensive lol.

You’re like a less focused Ralph.


What do you think Hollows end masks are for

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