Deamon hunter tanking.the disagreement

Let me preface this with some history. Ive seen tanking go from warriors are the only viable ones to retail. But correct me if im wrong, and i will happily accept disagreements, but to me DH tanking feels like original DK wrath tanking.
Not trying to “piss on” havoc tanks. But they jusy feel like a dps with extra survival cooldowns. Just reminds me of how the original dks were back in the day. I may be wrong, but i feel im missing what separates the dh tank from the havoc dh’s. Hoping folks can enlighten me.

They have lots of mobility and some CC

We are DKs

I mean, tanks do need to deal damage, lest DPS rip aggro from them and cause unfortunate accidents.

If they’re tankier DPS, all the better, as long as they’re alive and making sure attention is on them.

On launch DK tanking didn’t exist: There was no official DK tank spec and anyone who tried did so with nothing but hopes and dreams. If I recall initially people tried tanking with Frost which made for exciting dungeon queue runs.

It took until Cata until everything solidified to make Blood the tank spec.

Actually it was neither, it was either you picked the tanky/survival talents, or you picked the damage ones. Alll 3 dk trees were viable as tanks and/or dps as long as you specced for it.
I remember tanking as unholy. then my raid lead saying we need more dps, and tried 1 tank for a fight, and all i had to do was switch my “stance” they were caled precences back think.
What im saying is they just feel the same except dh tanking uses more undesirable movement at times.
Feels reckless and unproductive in sime instances. As an example of unneded movement i point at original DK tanks doing spin the dragon using army on the last boss of wrath VH. Unneded movemwnt of bosses kill party members, and DH dont seem to be static enough for viable raid tanks. This is agai just my opinion.