Deafening Silence On Shamans For The War Within

saman talent trees are honestly garbage, but so are a lot of the trees TBH. The “good” talent trees are the exception rather than the rule.

Regardless, one more vote to please fix shaman.

Thematically, the hero talents sound interesting. Mechanically, the class tree, spec tress, and hero trees are all a hot mess.


Unfortunately the hero talents don’t live up to the theme. Especially Stormbringer for elemental where you have 1 lightning spell for single target rotation. There’s no storm being brought, they should just call it Bringer.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Didn’t they say they had a rework planned for shammy for DF but ran out of time? Do you think it happened again?

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That why I use the Starter Build on most of the classes I play.

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i luvs shamans bilzz your bad at your job with the shamans !!
10 ys its so bad…


In single target Stormbringer really does lack bringing anything, on cleave, we can keep up with other classes somewhat depending on how long things live. It really needs to do more damage in single target for sure, lightning bolt hits harder than it when it crits and tempest doesn’t even benefit from our mastery.

I understand they might not be wanting tempest overloading because the procs would chew each other up, but, maybe make it stack those buffs twice when it procs an overload or make it hit harder than a wet noodle lol.

They finally got the cast time reduced so it doesn’t truck your whole rotation if you’re not using a cancel tempest macro but it still tickles.

And farseer is ok but kind of just a hat on a hat for elemental, cast lava burst more often, only, now you literally can never run out of lava burst charges ever. It was never really a problem with lava builds to begin with so giving us an extra charge didn’t do much lol.

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Blizzard: Fools. My dark shaman have twisted and tortured the elements for miles around. They cannot hear you now. Once again you proved too weak and powerless to do anything.


We definitely did not go into the expansion with “arguably” one of the best trees. We went into DF with one of the earliest designed trees, with no rework afterwards. So, as blizzard got better with class talent tree design in DF alpha and beta, shaman ended up becoming dated for new systems with the expansion that had yet to be released with no update given to help. Resto got an “update” in 10.0.7 and it was good for a couple of weeks until the novelty of it passed. Then Paladin things happened, we’ve been irrelevant since. Ele and enhancement have had their own problems. This is a class that has needed a game-play update and overhaul since a lot of our class flavor was dumbed down and given to other classes in wrath. We were even promised an entire overhaul in BFA and it never happened.

Speaking of healing, Resto shaman has a very top heavy tree and is remarkably unsatisfying specing through. You spend a lot of talent points in the top half of the tree for negligible power gains. It’s insulting. And our class tree is insanely bloated with highly situational utility items that require talent points to acquire that used to be baseline. The entire talent system going into DF showed a lack of care or consideration for the class as they just pilfered the default spellbook for talents to be “added” to our trees and they called it good. No, we were not excited for our trees.

The game-play loop for all specs, resto included, is dated and in desperate need of updates. Concerning resto, our damage is poor compared to other healers and we lack an external, no, link is not an external cooldown like the others, if I have to explain this, you’re not informed enough to understand. All three hero trees are a literal dumpster fire, bland, undertuned, dog water. They help with button bloat, that’s IT. So, with hero talents supposedly garnering excitement, what sounds exciting about that?

I have committed to my reroll moving forward as druid/paladin. Healing/Dpsing/Tanking across both classes and am so much happier.

At this point it is an issue of time. We’re 2 months from release with it being stated that tuning is the main focus moving forward. There’s not enough time for them to test and polish our class if an overhaul did take place, which is what happened in BFA as it was put off for the .1 patch, then ignored and never spoken of or touched again. We’re not dooming, we’re witnessing history repeat itself with our class. You’re posting on a mage, so that could easily explain being so out of touch with the have-nots of WoW.


But is anything being brought?

Ele cancels the tempest already.


They buffed tempest’s cast time, but didn’t mention it anywhere, but I’m willing to bet in single target folks are still cancelling it because LB does more in conjunction with talents and masteries.

It’s weird that a change was implemented but not noted anywhere and still no word or comment on the shaman situation anywhere.

Prepatch looks like we’re getting some healing tide changes in line with every other healer and I guess that means the team thinks we’re War Within Shippable I guess lol.

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They just made haste apply to Tempest. It was probably a bug fix rather than a design fix.

It still not working with Lightning Bolt talents means that’s likely a design choice though. A really bad and poorly thought out design choice. /cancelaura Tempest will remain a thing.


Deafening silence for shamans in DF as well when the humanoid enemies were bastardized shamans.


That’s my fear and something I really wish they’d clarify cause it tanks the whole hero tree outside of super heavy cleave and that might be outpaced by just a typical lava burst AOE build that already exists with Farseer honestly.

Resto has it bad for Farseer because they have to use unleash life with which shares a choice node with undulation, so they have to give up a huge single target healing boost so they can summon an ancestor and boost a heal every 15 seconds. Totemic is going to end up stomping that tree on top of the fact that just like Ascendance which is if you’re partway through a cast, it just vanishes. Kind of like when ascendance makes you stop casting lava beam to start casting chain lightning instead when that happens.

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It’s especially bad if Earth Shock ends up being the better choice over Elemental Blast. Which it very well might be with Unlimited Power and the tier set both favoring more frequent Maelstrom spending.

When running with Earth Shock every single Lightning Bolt you cast is an empowered one, you don’t actually need to use LB for generating because the lower cost of ES.


You guys say that every expansion. Right down to the word “deafening.”

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Maybe there’s a connection to be found in shamans being left out of updates consistently and getting feedback that says they feel unheard, I’ll have to consult the lab, but there might be something there ;).


Its easy for there to be something there when you want there to be.

Yes, we are just imagining the lack of changes, lack of communication, and the unfinished hero talents.


Oh my god, I hate when that happen. But then again, the models of Ascendance is really old, like Cata old. I don’t mind when it disappears lol.

I don’t like the fact Shaman have so many utilities and relying on totems. I mean, most people move around all the time. Sure there’s totemic recall, but if I recall, it doesn’t work on all totems. I don’t want to rely on totems. I don’t want so many utilities. Unfortunately, I don’t think most people will agree with me.

They most likely will never give Shaman a huge rework.