Deafening Crash and 8.1 Changes [Prot - PvE]

I mean, what would you know about Prot’s viability in PvE? Name me another trait that will increase a spec’s dps by 50%.

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You should really refrain yourself from comment like that if you ever want anyone to take you seriously in the future. Not that anyone does right now.
As for current thundering crash, you go in and start TClapping and you end up still having demo shout up when demo shout comes off cd. Repeat every time avatar is up.

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I don’t know how you can constantly be so wrong so often. Simple probability says you should accidentally get something right eventually.

Deafening crash is so strong that nothing less than a hundred ilvl upgrade can outweigh losing it. No other trait in the game is so blatantly out of line.


Which of course when you take that, then compare the duration of Demo Shout and Avatar’s CDs…

Really might as well have just made the 20%DR and 10% damage dealt a constant aura…

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15% dmg dealt. even better.

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The nerf was warranted because the value of DC was going up as we progressed in ilvl. On the ptr, a 420 piece was worth less than a 340 piece if the 340 was your on DC. That is stupid. It is fixed.

DC is still going to be a strong trait (current estimates put it at 15-20 ilvl, give or take) and the other buffs more than compensate. Overall, prot is significantly stronger going into 8.1. And the AoE damage is still quite insane.


On zul, I am able to reach upwards of 75k dps and my demo shout is still up when the cooldown comes up. It is totally broken with a large amount of haste. In 8.1, there will be even more haste to be had as well as additional chances to stack the trait. I agree with this nerf.

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It’s sorta a relief that it is not going to be so necessary (yes a 20% DR includes that thing shield block and armor ignore…magic!) I have a 375 chest and a 335 one with DC…I hate having to equip the blue chest just for an azeritr trait


But you are gimping your own raid nuking the krog.

To explain how my raid does the Zul fight:

  1. We three tank it: Prot warrior on crawgs, Vengeance DH on Crusher, and Brewmaster Monk calling out hexxer cc and focus target
  2. Prot warrior can solo the crawgs (on heroic) so dps can focus on crusher/hexxer so we can have a smooth transition.

Not a single dps complains about not being able to pad the meter with crawg numbers.

Nerf won’t hurt us. We will still stack it x1.

I think Zorop and Khanibrawl, one of you is talking mythic, the other heroic. Totally different tactics, lads.


Didn’t realize it was heroic. Im sorry that was a bad presumption from my part.


It should be nerfed heavily and Protection should be rebalanced. Designing our viability around a a single Azerite trait was pathetic.

Must be a little bit out of the loop as these changes are comming really soon.

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Broadest sense, the nerf to DC is going to bring down our uptime noticeably on DS. Right now you can roll a DS into another or even a third if you’re crafty and have high haste. 70 - 90% uptime on the debuff for some fights is a very real possibility, but this hardcaps its uptime in relation to your stats.

Effectively, and in rough napkin math let’s just say for the sake of argument that DS (with AM CDR) has a 30s CD. That means every minute you’ll have 28 seconds of uptime. Across, say, a 5 minute fight you’re looking at just shy of 50% uptime give or take.

Again, a big asterisk * on this because these are just broad, rough values that are casually eyeballed. I’m sure if you bothered to find the average CD on DS you could tool out very easily your max-achievable uptime on it, but our uptime on it is going to sink dramatically.

The good news is that the new mastery trait is c u h r a y z e e.

I’m going off of game experience but basically, you can line up avatar with every third DS on average since their CDs aren’t synced. Without avatar, you can only get an extra 6 seconds anyway. So basically we’re going from 65-70% to 50% uptime. Significant, but not earthbreaking.


I would add that mathematically you can determine a max length of uptime on DS based on haste, avatar phase ect.

However it calls for focus on using TC off cooldown with little to no margin of error, no wasting GCD’s and properly dumping rage during avatar phase (easily rage capped on 5+ melee mobs) as well as not so focused on DS uptime you can’t IP or SB

I have doubts that haste will have a major impact on uptime, and since you can know refresh it 3 times, and since IP off the GCD and so is block, neither affect uptime. The purpose of the exercise is to determine the maximum possible uptime (within reason) and then benchmark against it as a player.

Will we still want to stack azerite gear with DC? I only have one piece with DC trait right now. Will I still want to be looking to fill all 3 azerite armor slots with pieces containing DC trait?