Deadmines or Diremaul?

muh immersion is why

Who didn’t full clear deadmines? Not saying it didn’t happen but I’ve never heard of it.

Mostly I remember it from open beta and early vanilla. Generally, a lot of people had poor typing skills at the time and would try to shorten anything they could haha.

I wouldn’t consider it a “necro” thread… The topic came up when looking up other things related to chat and I happened to find that link. :neutral_face:

Mostly I just found it interesting haha. The intention wasn’t to continue the debate but rather to look at other interesting things with the acronyms I had found.

Usually newer players who didn’t realize the level of Van Cleef at the end. They would think the monsters leading up to the dungeon were about the level of the dungeon (L16ish). I remember someone trying to get me to run DM with them and they had a L13 Dwarf Priest as their healer. . . :eyes:

That’s an official support page? :joy:

I’m dying from how they spelled it, “Van Cleff.”

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Played in Vanilla and never once have I heard Deadmines referred to as VC.

Brady game guides are like the bible of gaming. It’s the definitive word on the Vanilla WoW religion.

Speaking of lazy Deadmines and Diremaul don’t HAVE to be abbreviated…

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This article from 2007:

  • VC/DM: Deadmines

VC even takes precedence. Finding it funny how every source for this has typos.

As a positive note, this thread served as a reminder for me to refer to it as VC. I remember it was DM at one point, but largely called VC afterwards which I totally forgot about.
