Deadlyhotz - Crashes

I just started getting this Critical error today. E96FFED0-5CC4-49B6-B1AB-AD68CBB2FB32.
I don’t have an AMD card so that doesn’t apply in my situation. I did however, try the fix and it did not work in my case. Anything i could do to remedy the situation?


Moved you to your own thread since the one you were posting in was unrelated to your problem. It looks like your Nvidia drivers are about a year old. Are there any updates available for your graphics card? If so, please install them.

If you’re still having trouble after this troubleshooting, please generate a text copy of your DxDiag using these instructions. Once you have that made, open the file. You’ll need to copy and paste the contents of the Text document into the post using the “Code” button (</>). This will give me some more information which I can use to dig deeper into this case.