Deadeye Monocle? EXCUSE ME?

None of us have forgotten the folly of Deadeye Monocle. Only Blizzard did. It’s been three years since the item was added, complaints are still being made about it, but something has yet to be done.

Three years.

You add a green cosmetic item with the mistake of it not being able to bind. People said things. Cool.

You never fixed it.

No, not even right after it was added did you hotfix this slight bug that many commented on. Not at all. Never once did one of you think “we should probably fix the cosmetic item that serves no purpose because it can’t become soulbound,” which would’ve just been as easy as boop its BoE now haha sorry guys!

Instead we have a monocle rewarded from legion skinning thats cosmetic but can never be mogged. Do you know how long we’ve wanted a monocle for EVERYONE. How long we’ve been waiting for this cosmetic, so we could look cute in a little monocle regardless of whether we wear plate, mail, leather, or cloth. People other than clothies want to look smart too.

So where is the fix. I’ve been waiting three years, so trust me, more time is nothing to me. I’ll keep waiting, but I refuse to forget until something is done about this. I’d just sell the one I have taking up space, but I won’t in hopes that this gets put to rest once and for all.

Make deadeye monocle BoE and fix this bug so it can actually function as a cosmetic piece.


also use this to complain about any other transmog/appearance system issues while we’re on the subject i dont really care


I still think making us run the same stuff 4x to unlock all the different armour/weapon appearances for an instance excessive. Bordering on malicious.

Appropriateness of an item, on the character you’re running the instance on, should not be a prerequisite for it’s unlocking as a transmog appearance.


If you’re saying you don’t like how we can only unlock appearances for the gear our class uses, and I think that is what you’re saying but gotta be sure, then YEAH the pain I feel when I run something on my paladin and some sick cloth gear drops is immense.

Especially sad when youre a masochist like me and ctrl click stuff you cant collect the appearances of anyways just to see what you’re missing out on, or what you’d mog it with if you had it.


Not so much the system, but my RNG luck… always find the stuff I want… on a different class.

I like the token system, I would appreciate if they changed it so all tokens are for all classes. But I guess the current system works to encourage running it with friends so you can trade the loot around?

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That’s hilarious because the othe day I discovered a metal faceguard that’s classed as leather for petes sake. Sometimes I’m just like what the hell…

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I’m 100% the kind of person that would inflict ctrl-click pain unto myself for gear I can’t use :skull_and_crossbones: But yeah, to clarify: I legitimately see no sane reason to make us run instances for years (on some occasions), once for each armour type, to get all the transmog unlocks.


I like the cut of your jib.

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Just had the Jeweler’s Amber Monocle recipe drop for my mage from the Cataclysm rares the other day. Silly that even that blue monocle isn’t moggable.


When presenting an argument, you should always try and anticipate WHY something is being done against your argument in the first place.

In this case, Blizzard has already admitted that-- although this sucks-- they are in a catch-22 here.

Because what happens when you remove this restriction? Suddenly, there is compelling NEED to roll a plate class, since they can farm EVERYTHING all at once!

Can you even IMAGINE the tears from all the precious Mages??

Blizzard has stated this is the reason it’s done this way, and I agree with them. The only thing I would add is there they could still tweak this system a bit to cover more people and how/what they want to xmog, but it’s too much work for too little gain (again: I see their point).

I mean, before I took up arms in that fight, I would first want to see restrictions removed on white-quality items that for NO reason, we cannot xmog. That’s a bigger issue to me and there is no justifiable reason for that restriction.

I totally agree allowing plate to unlock everything without offering the same to everyone else is absurd. The solution would be to simply make soulbound items; appearances unlock. That way, if a mage got a really cool/rare BoP plate drop - it’d still unlock. It works both ways in my ideal transmogging world


kind of creeped out by that … its like youve been watching me. Anyways i like the cut too, much better than what i was getting the past couple months.

I’m like a cactus in your front yard.

I’ve always been here and the moment you notice me…

…you wonder :cactus:.

But nothing’s changed between us I can assure you.

I actually totally forgot about this.

Four years and counting :face_with_monocle: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

now that ive heard of this, i cant forget!!

scrubs brain




I’m with you. Here we are, Shadowlands is live, and the folks at Blizzard STILL haven’t fixed this