I think a lot of us are aware that there are dead servers for example living flame is a completely dead server that I have a character and a guild on. I’m the only one that posts on the auction house and there might be 20 people online at any given point in time and sometimes the majority of those people are bots… Server emerges need to happen ASAP. Just like they did with the Scarlet Crusade server and the feather Moon server for example, you can see other people from the servers and interact with them. This needs to happen for The living flame server and the Crusader strike server, for example. Don’t sleep on this blizzard! People are quitting because there’s nobody to play with please fix this ASAP. It should’ve been something you thought of from the very beginning.
Are you joking right now?
You just transfer your characters to crusader strike for free.
They took away xfers to CS for Lava Lash so even if you started on CS and left cus you wanted to be on a proper RP server, you can’t go back. Have to go to WG.
they mentioned living flame in their example so i assumed they were on that server, which all came over to CS.