Dead Content & nobody leveling 30-60?

I’m playing on Pagle leveling a Draenei Shaman and I cannot find ANYONE to group or level with that’s my level. I have made a few friends from leveling 1-30 or so, but most have ticked off after reaching around level 40 and not continued, made new characters on other servers, or stopped playing the game completely. When I /who a leveling zone I get maybe 10 people maximum in the level bracket that the zone encompasses. Sometimes I see people in the world but they’re level 60s+ farming herbs or mining nodes. I’m so confused and concerned because leveling is kind of part of the fun of the game for me, and the focus is so stuck on endgame that literally there has become void content in WoW TBC Classic (at least on Pagle, idk how bad it is elsewhere). Is anyone else having this problem? Are there any people out there who DO level alts or new characters on TBC classic? Should I just switch back to Classic WoW / is it any better there? Ty for any responses in advance. Also, if you’re having the same issue and want to level, shoot me a message and we can level together. Currently level 41 on Alliance-Pagle.