Dead bodies everywhere

I noticed it on WRA the other day.

It’s kinda funny.

Every time I hear this, I think of this…

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Back in the olden days, gold sellers would suicide in such a way that their bodies spelled out their website address.

That was weird. I haven’t seen that in over ten years, though.


There’s a Korn song literally called ‘Dead Bodies Everywhere’ and now it’s stuck in my head thanks to the title.

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That’s… creepy.

It is. Must…listen…to…again. :crazy_face:

Seen on Barthilas

This doesn’t answer the question of why you came to General instead of your own server’s forum at the very least :thinking: What makes you think players from two hundred other servers might know?

Apparently it’s a protest. I’m on Dath so I assume we have the same Org?

The bodies all have names not conforming to the ToS, I think.

It may be linked to this?