De Other Side(Spoilers)

I’m not really mad that they did that, since it’s been a theory of mine ever since we’ve heard of De Other Side. It’s a better choice to me than the Winter Queen or the robotic Arbiter, both who I’m not a fan of . However, they could be creative and make up a whole new Loa that’s good/neutral to be Bwonsamdi’s boss.

Bwonsamdi: True love… now ain’t dat sweet? Ol’ Bwonsamdi be havin’ his share of romance back in his day. Heh… more den his share!

I’m very intrigued about this.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I knew it lol. Bwonsamdi’s thirsty…

How many girlfriends has Bwonsamdi had? And did he have a ‘thing’ with Eyir?
This also makes his ‘Death Gate’ quote sound really… yeah

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i still think bwonsamdi is a mortal where became a loa.

My god is Hakkar’s ‘appearance’ embarrassing.

He doesn’t do anything, has no actual impact on the story, and then gets killed off again only for Blizzard to have the gall to say, “HE’LL RETURN AGAIN SOME DAY!!!”


One of the biggest questions left unanswered in regard to Troll lore and they both ignore him in BfA when we return to Zandalar and then in Shadowlands he has no role at all in the storyline except for being a boss in a dungeon who does nothing except be revealed to be weaker than Bwonsamdi and then dies?



I’m not sure why anyone is surprised that Hakkar doesn’t do anything. He is a loa we already defeated. We interrupt his spa vacay to get back some mojo for our pal bwon. If he is relevant again it will probably be if some gurubashi find a way to bring him around in the material world again.

Because he wasn’t a random loa.

He was an ancient evil that almost completely destroyed the Zandalari Empire in ancient history that was considered a planetary threat twice (Vanilla and Cataclysm).

Hakkar isn’t like Akunda who was taken down by a single troll poisoning a water pond, he nearly destroyed the Zandalari Empire at one of its peaks without him even being summoned himself, just his corrupted blood. And stopping him from being summoned essentially crippled both the Zandalari and the Gurubashi Empires.

He deserved more than sitting in a dungeon doing nothing and then dying again after they ignored him in BfA.


You left out the “and then we killed him.”

He totally had a fling (an immortal’s fling is probably ages) with Eyir, and that’s why she hates him. Eyir probs thought they were exclusive and Bonny didn’t, causing some major drama. Communication is important, people!


Hakkar is defeated, not killed, so you cannot kill permamently a dark loa, even in the Shadowlands.

You realise there are other reasons to hate somebody than fling?

Same. Maybe Mueh’zala made him who he is?

(Also some people don’t like the theory of him being mortal so be careful)

Ooor… maybe he was being a little too interested in her, and she eventually stopped talking to him because of him

I don’t deny them that, but if you look at the battle screen between Mueh’Zella and Bwonsamdi, Bwonsamdi is tiny against it. Besides, it wouldn’t be entirely illogical that Bwonsamdi had started as a follower of Mueh’zella, perhaps his most successful follower of all time, for this deed he gave him power, his name survived the ages, and people feared and admired him, so more and more began to worship him, which nourished his power. Then here and there another deal…and Tada, the loa of the graves is born. i would like such a story :wink:

Would also explain a lot in my eyes, he simply left so many gravestones on his journey to became a Loa, thousands of thousands graves. The necropolis served him as a seat of power, both in life and death :wink:


It would be cool if the novel expands more on it. And him being an originally mortal troll would also explain why other Loa (Rezan for example) seem to not like him, since he’s not a ‘natural’ Loa, but a created one.

Also, if he started out as an evil follower of Mueh’zala, and now wants to break free of his control, it would make sense if he’d suddenly decide to go solo and not want a boss, as his ‘previous’ one was a tyrant.

The Necropolis could’ve been his original burial place, and he turned it into a temple for his worshippers too

Same here :slight_smile:


Someone’s called the fun police. Scram, people!

Death itself is not…evil, not bad, in my eyes Bwonsamdi’s deeds and deals eventually overshadowed the glory of his own Loa, so his religion overshadowed that of his own patron. Mueh’zella in my eyes had been worshipped by all troll tribes in ancient times, but over time, Bwonsamdi became known as the face of death, as the loa of the graves. Mueh’zalla is trying to regain power on the other side, he was his boss, all this time he was his boss, but a boss who had hardly any followers left …and is trying to regain his former glory and therefore allied himself with the Jailor.


But he couldn’t be mortal troll before! He predates them!

thats was his own words…or not?

Yes, but how does it change anything? You can tell the difference between him and Zanza.
Dragons are also morphing to elves usually but nobody comes with idea that these are elf shapeshiftes.

its could change everything. Do you really find it so absurdly illogical that Bwonsamdi would have lied to present himself better? And wild gods do not shapeshift their form, only dragons do it.