DDOS happening?

Wow getting ddos’d?

The hamsters are on holiday as well.



We keep getting lag spikes in m m+ couldn’t even time a +2 cuz we kep becoming frozen. Chat would work but we would move in place and couldn’t attack.

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Please fix the lag spikes in M+ it is so bad, every other key it feels like I am getting one. Sometimes they are just a few seconds and I send out flash heals on everybody hoping nobody died, sometimes they’re 30 seconds and when the game loads back to the present, we’re all dead.

Yeah. Why can’t enemies have lag spikes for a change!


Yes please that would make the dungeon so much easier give half the bosses a lag spike I vote everbloom boss 2 3 rise boss 4 fall boss 2 AD boss 4 BRH boss 4 DHT boss 1 4 TOTT boss 1 3 waycrest boss 1sisters 2treeguy

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People still play WoW on Christmas Day?

Yes, and apparently go the the forums of WoW too.
Imagine that.


They have M+ on classic?

Imagine some folks even need to work on christmas… And some are not into it at all.

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Lmao, your name is a little close to mine :confused:

They have gamma’s kinda like m+ lol

Blizzard wants you to go spend time with your family is all

I’m only in the forums because I’m at the in laws

i get lag spikes when i first enter old zone across kortas darkhammer for few second then went back to normal

Yes! You tell em’ Rita!

The little poor worn out guys deserve to have a holiday off.



not everyone celebrates your somehwat christian kind of pagan commecrical holiday… yea?


I’m going to when i get home.

We do everything Christmas eve.

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you know, to troll a bit on this holiday season, i said in trade chat “stop offending me, i’m pagan.”

Didn’t think i would get anything, lol too many actually.