DC'd while on a zeppelin

So I just disconnected while on a zeppelin because the power company mucked things up.
I won’t be able to play again for like 12 hours and I’m trying to figure out if my character will fall off the zeppelin or still be on it when I try to log back in.
Anyone know?

You can’t know for sure, as far as I know, sometimes the character ends up falling, sometimes it’s still aboard the Zeppelin, sometimes even back near the tower. But no matter what he won’t start falling till you log back in, so if you have a way out, you can use it.
Now I tried a couple of times deliberately DCing myself on board a zep from Org to Grom’Gol (not HC of course) I tried hitting alt+f4 both starting the trip, on the continent loading screen, and when exiting that screen again.
I did not fall at all. Once I ended up below the tower in Org, three times on a zep in Org, and once at a Zep in Grom’Gol, This should be calming results. Of course I still don’t KNOW what will happen to your character.

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Thank you so much! I’ve been trying to mentally prepare myself for another start over lol

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if you log in right away you will still be on the zeppelin :expressionless: if you log in hours later, no idea. i would be worried

One of the times I had a cup of tea, of course it’s not hours, but not right away either.

And now an hour later, I still logged in on the zeppelin.

I wish you luck!

Maybe try the charter unstuck thing people use to cheese dungeons before logging back in.

This can be dangerous, as it sometimes move you into the other faction’s camps. There’s a map somewhere of where you go, and if he’s not sure of his whereabouts …

I’ll see if I can dig up that map.

Look here:

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Thankfully I did reload on the zeppelin.
And then disconnected and reloaded 2 more times before I was able to get off.
Thanks for all the help and well wishes guys!