DC'd now no realm listed

As title suggests. DC’d and was put into hour long q and now there are no realms.

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Same issue here was in raid some people on the realm are still in raid half us got dced and cannot get back. Says no realm or no characters.


Same, was kicked, then queue and not realms

Same - first no realms available then it brought up a list of realms I don’t play and no sign of my characters in it. Now it just keeps crashing out before… well anything.

Same, got DCed, had a 22 person queue, realms didn’t pop up on trollbane for characters had to scroll down to Trollbane and stuck on Retrieving character list

Same here. WHAT DOOOO

Yep, was in the middle of raiding here as well. Team kicked and all of us are sitting here talking about cookies. :sweat_smile:

Tuesday raid night is best raid night right?

It says we have no characters when we try to login.

Same here; was in the middle of finishing up campaign got dced as I was turning in a quest, now no realms stating I have any characters - tried entering my realm, Illidan, and it is now infinitely loading.

same problem here

I got past the no realms! Alas it’s now stuck on retrieving character list :frowning:

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A few of us got back in! Maybe your team can as well?

Yea they posted in realm thread that they know there is an issue.

yep same. After a few tries I was able to get to the character screen but am stuck on loading screen. Then it dc’s back out and starts over. Riparoni.

I got in. started questing then suddenly DCed again. stuck on Retrieving character list

Same here. Thanks blizzard.

Same issue feels like they have lost connection to backend

Me too. I was fishing then disconnected and now I can’t log back in.

Also an issue for me for about 20 minutes. Then, I got the character selection screen outline, loading bar, swirly in the center, no characters. I’ve closed everything down and tried several more times and still not getting in.

Edit: Twitter says it’s authentication servers and they are aware of the problem.