Is Mud a…?
Kinda sus…
Is Mud a…?
Kinda sus…
Deserved it for playing rogue mage anyway.
Yeah, it really is too bad that my brain isn’t big enough to play something like double necrolord dwayne warrior rsham.
Unironically, with all the crutches rogue mage has this expansion, rshaman Dwayne necrowarrior is still a less forgiving comp.
Accusing a Warrior main of having the technical knowledge to manipulate internet connections is borderline hazing. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Also this. Mud can’t even get his own stream to stop lagging, you actually think he can ddos?
Hey you said it bud not me
People hating on Mud recently
I’m just adding levity, I don’t hate anyone. Lol
Everyone loves Mud. Half the healers playing now at 2100 owe it to him and most warriors are fans.
The only haters are hidden profile forum trolls and degenerates.
Not you, referring to this thread and the one in which Mud was accused of win trading. As someone who mained warrior for 9.0, feel free to continue bashing our intelligence
What’d you call me??
I thought I made my opinion on rogue mage players clear.
It’s nothing personal, I’ve just hated both classes since vanilla and post team up in BC, their synergy only amplified my disgust.
I’m a degenerate warrior main so it’s all Gucci.
The real question is; is Mud a Primus fan?
Mud stans the Primies
Actually Mud is the Primus, not that weird wizard with a staff in a dress.
he’s like a discount sun tzu/common sense avatar parodying blizzard’s own bad writing while mud is more of a professional wrestler superstar/ macho man randy savage classyboi
and there’s my fried take for the day
I ate that fried take and thought it was delicious.
my double dk 2s partner tells me i play on a toaster so this is me giving up the ghost toast