DC'd and then in queue

3 days in a row now, just random DC’d and then put into a queue - today for 70 min, yesterday for 223 minute. If I haven’t logged out - don’t understand why this is happening.

BEcause blizzard is having issues with 3 realms in perticular and workign to resolve it.

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Kind of misses the point - the question is not the queue - it’s if I get DC’d, shouldn’t I be able to get right back in? Understand the server is overloaded. Do I need to uninstall or delete something to ensure that doesn’t happen?

No. Some realms are having issues since launch.

It’s a server issue. Normally, when we get dc’d, it’s an internet issue, so the server knows you were online and reconnects you, bypassing any queue.

I’m sure it’s frustrating, and I’m not saying this to minimize it, but this is a problem that goes away very quickly once the initial crush dies down.