DC Comics: Robins #1

Considering the Flying Graysons assigned Robin No. 2 his Superhero Title as well as his Costume one must question how Robin No.1 impacted his life if his Parents gave him her Title while basing their Costumes off of her…

It also puts into perspective Batman’s claims that the Robins following Robin No.2 are inferior to Robin No.1. He obviously couldn’t tell Master Grayson that he wasn’t as good as Robin No.1 as that would get Master Grayson to ask questions and that is the last thing Batman wants in regards to dangerous enemies!

Anyone whose watched Batman Beyond knows that Bruce Wayne said nothing about the Joker(his worst Enemy) to the new Batman Terry so him not saying anything about Robin No.1 to the later Robins is no surprise.

The First Robin if Batman’s comparisons he used in the earshot of Robins No. 3, 4, 5 and 6 are to be believed is super competent and never makes mistakes which is what makes her so dreaded in Batman’s mind that he constantly compares Robins No. 3, 4, 5 and 6 to her without them realizing who Batman is comparing them to(they naturally think they are being compared to Master Grayson).

Furthermore we don’t know if Batman trained her or the other way round and if the other way round then he is comparing the Robins to one of his most dreaded Mentors(and he already gets defeated in combat by Lady Shiva who is another one of Batman’s most dreaded Mentors).