Dazar'alor Game-Breaking Jaina Raid Bug

Inside the Dazar’alor instance there is an NPC which can teleport you to Jaina so you can skip the first part of the raid and go directly to fight her. This is a nice feature for people who just want the mount.

However, there are two issues with this. First: if ANYONE in your group clicks on the NPC to go to Jaina, your ENTIRE RAID will be teleported there. This is a HUGE problem in PUG groups (who may be intending to do the full raid, for transmogs, etc.) because one guy in the group who randomly clicks on the NPC will FORCE the entire raid to go DIRECTLY TO JAINA.

Also, once you are on the ship, there is NO WAY to get off the ship to go do parts of the raid. Even if you do “reset all instances” or leave the raid and re-enter, you are PERMANENTLY STUCK INSIDE JAINA’S SHIP until the weekly reset.

Please put an NPC that allows you to leave the ship and go back to the main part of the raid, or just fix this issue for my character at least by taking him off the ship so I can run the rest of the raid! Thank you.


(Just as a small aside, I wouldn’t use the term “game-breaking” unless it’s something that’s destabilizing the game servers or causing the game client window to force-quit.)

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Was this bug ever fixed because I’m pretty sure it just happened to my group… Extremely frustrating to say the least.

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Can confirm, 4 years later, and the instance is bricked the second you talk to the teleport NPC.

GG, Blizz


Proof they dont go back and fix old content in a reasonable time frame.

Experienced this for the first time today. The irony is pre-patch emphasized going back to old content for new mogging opportunities. Very fun.


Oddly enough, they fixed Shadowlands raid issues, but not BFA issues.

Just experienced this bug today, kinda sucks

This bug still occurs as of 26/01/2025.

if i remember correctly, after about an hour or so of not being in the instance, it will go back to letting you zone in right at the front of the instance, instead of being pulled to the end.

Tested this, it doesn’t appear to change anything, still spawning at the end of the instance. Actually it’s worse, because the NPCs present on the boat no longer offer a teleport out of the instance, forcing you to hearth, or join a group and leave to get kicked to nearest graveyard. Dying spawns you right back on the boat.