Day Night Cycle

Someone on /r/wow is demanding a better day/night cycle for us Oceanic players as well. Their post has actually had a decent amount of traction.

That’s awesome commenting now :smiley:

They need to add an NPC that gives a persistent buff that changes the skybox and lighting to your local time. That way the servers can stay on US day / night for whatever technical reason, so nothing will change for the US players who group with us but cosmetically it will be fixed.

This would be ideal over the jar of sun-warmed sand as it would let us experience all light phases not just midday.

26.3 BILLION DOLLARs and they cant code into sydney based servers day and night cycle to match Australia what are we paying $20 australian dollars for a month apart from keeping the severs in Sydney ?
a simple code that even gw2 an xbox can do and even Microsoft can do this in most of their games


Another Reddit post from someone frustrated with the Oceanic day/night cycle. Hopefully this continues to get more and more traction!

Adding to feedback I’ve already shared, I think what would be really cool would be if Blizz introduced some sort of “personal world rotator” toy. It could have fun flavour text like “the world revolves around you!” and visually offsets the in-game time by 12 hours.

So long as it persisted through death and had a short cooldown, something like this would be such an amazing way of empowering players to see the game in the way that they want to see it. The art team - as always - has done an incredible job with Dragonflight. But many players often only get to see the zones either in daytime or in nighttime. It’s a disservice to players to not have the option to admire the beauty of the world in our preferred way, on our own time.

I’ve submitted a post in General Discussion as well, and I’ve compiled some posts from both here on the forums and on Reddit to highlight that some improvements are very much wanted.

It’s specifically so a Night elf racials matter again.

yep this needs to be fixed for oceanic servers. also on that wishlist would be the calendar being relevant to our timezone, as well as other things like the presents under the tree actually spawning on Christmas day for Oceanic players - currently they do not, we always get them on Boxing Day


It’s obvious Blizzard doesn’t care or it’s too hard. Just remove the cooldown on the ‘Jar of Sunwarmed Sand’ or make it 30 minutes or something. Not a complete fix but jfc it’s better than nothing, it’s an extremely easy change and I’d take it over being ignored.

BASS my man, good to see you here.

Putting another point in for yes: Please fix the day night cycle.

I’ve played for 18 years. Vanilla-BFA on US servers because there was no Oce realms early on, then Dad wanted us to stay there there for some reason, then on OCE servers from Bfa til Now.
In 18 years I’ve never actually played in a timezone that matched my local day night cycle despite literally swapping to the servers designed specifically for my country.

Playing in eternal night is depressing, please change it Blizz.

I wish true night would return.

Adding to the voices of OCE players. I recently came to the Oceanic servers from Wrath classic, which has the day/night cycle sync’ed locally to Australia time.
If Wrath can do it, why can’t the most recent version of Retail do it too?

It’s really (really) starting to annoy me. I mean I love the night mood in WoW, don’t get me wrong, but it’s just always night due to the perplexing timezone choice of the local servers.

Please Blizz, give us the day cycle in sync with out local time?
And if for some weird reason that’s not possible at a server level, can’t we be permanently phased into a local time sync? OR make it an option at an NPC?

yeah, adding to the list of frustrated Australian players. We are actually players you know, not numbers. Don’t understand why Blizzard think its okay to ignore actual players, are they that evil?

Yes they are

who said it had to be Australian time??? All servers should be set to NZ time, the only correct time in the world!

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Adding to the list…please let the daylight shine

Adding to this. I can say for sure its taking a massive amount of the gameplay experience away having to play in near permanent night time. Surely this is a simple fix that someone can get a hold of - Blizzard. Why cant we have ourselves aligned to Asian Servers?

Idc. NZ time, Singapore. Just give us SOMETHING close to that timezone.

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Yeah, FF14 does this also. It’s brilliant.

Their original post got deleted, any idea why?