Day 4 - Incompetence and Blizzard, Name a More Iconic Duo

Day 4 - No word on the status of Chaos Bolt and the perpetual death that Blizzard has sentenced upon it.


They aint going back on it lol.

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Hey at this point we just want something. Servers locked and unable to transfer. They just hit the server with a bat and walked off.

They probably don’t really read these forum posts. They probably didn’t even realize people are complaining yet.

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Someone copy and paste it to Xcrement. Aggrend spends all his time there.

Forum posters and being overly dramatic is probably my favorite iconic duo

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I’d argue this one isn’t even dramatic. Everyone is waiting for them to do something. In fall fairness, that’s being reasonable.

I will say some of my others have been dramatic. That is true.

This whole generation is zesty and theatrical as hell. With as easily as they lie/exaggerate youd think theyd be good at it.

They actually ghosted us lol

I’d guess they are figuring out how to solve the problem of people have both factions on the same account, one faction on Chaos-Bolt and the other on Crusader-Strike. Though, I’m not sure that that would warrant the situation we have now.

I guess we’ll see what happens.


No we won’t! It’s day 4!

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Im confused by this comment. What is “this whole generation” ?
And there isn’t any lying or exaggeration with what is going on. The server is locked, and transfers are bugged. What are you on about?

I guess we’ll se… owait


trust no one not even

microsoft blizzard

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