Day 1/10: Asking for aug buffs / revert the nerfs

I have 10 days left of my sub so for the remainder of those days I am just going to just keep making new posts asking for the devs to show augs a pity of love so that the class can be at the very least playable again without completely throwing in all forms of content. Doubt the devs will ever see this or care anyway, I am just getting tired of this.


Dont count on it, either augvoker is too good or too bad. Theres never gonna be a good “its good” status for it. They have clearly regretted making it in the first place.


During PTR it was looking fine, they have already gutted all the utility that made augs worth bringing to keys/raids and what made them meta, then they slapped a massive 20% nerf to both augmented and personal damage right before the patch went live. The spec does less damage now then it did in S1 with lower gear. Absolutely butchered it.


Careful with making new posts constantly as it would be considered spamming.

But regarding your post, I do think aug could use a little love, albiet not nearly as much as they were at in the PTR. They were doing way too well and had over 90% uptime on ebon might – making them pretty much mandatory for higher end compositions.

Aug being that powerful effectively deletes Devastation, Preservation, and one other dps from 5-man M+ teams in competative play because they took an irreplaceable dps slot. Trying to find keys in the 13+ range in season 1 was damn near impossible as dev because you’re expected to play augmentation.

Nerfing the personal damage is insane to me because they made our tier set bonus centered around personal damage (yuck) like wtf?

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While I still support the complete removal of Augmentation, the silence following the sweeping changes to it speaks to the seeming lack of respect that Blizzard has toward players.

This reminds me of what Demonology went through in Warlords of Draenor. Breaking something that people love MID-EXPANSION will never be a great idea and breeds resentment and division amongst players.

I’d find it more agreeable to make such sweeping changes during the Alpha/Beta stages of an expansion. Blizzard struggles with optics and it shows with the silence and complete lack of communication following the changes to Augmentation.

Communication and visibility are key.


We would rather you just not play Aug now.


I’ll never support the full removal of something people have had and enjoyed. Changing it a bit, sure, but keep the general tempo or flavor (MAKE AUG A TANK, IT SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN “SUPPORT”, THIS GAME ISN’T MADE FOR THAT, HOLY TRINITY HOLY TRINITY HOLY TRINITY).

That said, I’ve been saying it’s just like what they did to Demo mid WoD. It’s there, technically you could play it, but why? They clearly don’t want people playing it, and the 15% buff to damage on a class that only does maybe 60% of it’s own DPS shakes out to what, an 8 or 9% on by an enormous margin the lowest DPS in the game?

Hey, Devs, this math isn’t particularly hard. It’s listed as a DPS. Maybe a significant enough buff to put them at least somewhere near the next lowest DPS (counting buffs) would be nice. Do you not have calculators? I have several. Reach out to me, I’ll do the math for you, pinky swear.


I don’t think there is anything inherently wrong with a support class. It’s just this particular support was a problem. Too strong, too much utility, and the design where the higher the other dps the greater the buff causes aug to reinforce meta picks and essentially takes away 2 out of the 3 dps spots, the aug and the highest tuned dps.

I get that balancing isn’t easy, but you could still have a support class while not having many of the problems that people have with aug.

And therein lies the issue - you kinda can’t. That’s what Aug was, it was their big experiment with a “support” spec. It ended up listed as a DPS because the game simply was never balanced for there to be a support at all, and that’s where it made most sense to the devs.

The issues people have with Aug (and support as a whole basically) is that a support spec in a game not balanced for it is going to result in one of two things, inevitably:

  1. As Aug was throughout all of Dragonflight, they’re way, way too good because of their contribution to both survivability and damage. If the buffs are sufficiently good, and your party’s sufficiently good, support is always going to be BIS for that party slot. Which makes support fully required for high keys/raids to be completed efficiently.

  2. As Aug is now, the support only buffs DPS, doesn’t do much for survivability, and because it’s a support it’s own DPS is toilet-tier. This essentially is where there’s absolutely zero reason to ever bring said support because they provide less overall DPS than literally any actual DPS, plus also not doing a whole hell of a lot for survivability, while not being able to carry it’s own weight because it’s still considered a “support”. It’s fully required to not bring a support at all in this case.

Short version is with how the devs balance here, and how the game’s made: Support is either going to be fully and completely you’re-trolling-the-party-level trash, or play-it-or-no-invite godly. I love, love playing a good support class, but their experiment showed they can’t wedge that one in here. Aug pretty much just needs to be a full DPS or a tank at this point, as they WoD-Demo-lock’d it (basically “we’d rather u not play it until we figure out wtf we’re doing lolol”).

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imo they kinda poisoned the well on Aug back in DF by making it far too much of a everything and the kitchen sink kind of spec instead of just making it slightly buff up dps while still being a competent dps spec on it’s own.

For context, when Aug came out, my main mmo was XIV and my main job was dancer, the “support” dps job that picks a dance partner who receives a damage buff up to 10ish% damage buff. The job also a small heal, and party shields on somewhat longer cooldowns to provide additional support, but it’s primary goal is still to do damage, and is designed with that in mind, with the damage buffs it provides to it’s dance partner and to itself being small enough to make running with a dancer not terrible, but not having one at all not being a big deal.

Aug was almost perfect in terms of playstyle like this back DF, if they just focused on a small damage buff and maybe the group heal. But it had the noticeably large damage buff, then massive increases to group survivability, then the group heal. It was just too much and will forever the spec’s chances. If they just limited it’s buffing to say, a single character and make the playstyle about Ebon Might up time, so that good play would mean 100% EM uptime, but reduced it down to only 1 additional character and made it only increase damage it may have a chance to remain in it’s current dps style.

Otherwise, yeah. Just rework it either into a pure dps with no support or a tank. I personally wouldn’t play it at that point regardless but hey, at least the spec wouldn’t be in such a constant rollercoaster.

I’m forever gonna be ‘it should have been a tank spec’ but even so, I find it hard to disagree with your point. Especially with the XIV example context. At the very least, I would still be in ‘shoulda been tank spec’ camp but I would be able to (for lack of a better term) understand aug and where it exists

Which understandable. While I’m personally glad Aug wasn’t another tank spec (because at that point Blizzard would just have to commit every new class to include a tank spec), the surprise support spec was a welcome change. And when I did play it back in DF, I liked it’s gameplay loop because well…it reminded me playing dancer in XIV, trying to keep the rhythm to maintain the main buff, and I personally really liked proccing Emerald Blossom to provide some healing to make runs a bit safer.

If that philosophy had been what Aug was designed around, with smaller scope buff on Ebon Might with the occasional proccing of Emerald Blossom, it would have been a fine dps with support options, instead of a mandatory support spec that broke the game.


All slightly support classes eventually get nerfed because this game isn’t designed with support on the mind. Hence why paladins and shamans had majority of their support taken away in tbc.

They’re just relearning the same mistakes they made back then.

Did you not read the class tuning notes for today? They literally got a 15% damage increase to all spells.

Did you not read the post date? Also this “buff” is literally a joke it buffs our damage by 5%, and 5% of nothing is still nothing

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You’re a buff class not a a damage one, if that’s what you want, go play a dps or switch to devastation

That would be swell if Blizzard didn’t also nerf all buffs we give to the point that 80% of it is useless. Ebon Might only affects the DPS, which means no more stronger tank and healer, Blistering Scales hardly does anything for tanks. Chrono Ward got capped to 30% of our max health which makes it a tiny little absorb we slap out every now and then that happens after all the damage is taken so it has VERY little value. Our auras? Nerfed to oblivion to the point that we literally don’t take them anymore. How about our mastery that gives vers? Nerfed by 50% and we can no longer choose who it applies to anymore. Blizzard nerfed aug to the point of only buffing DPS, and we hardly do that anymore.

Once again, aug was looking great in PTR where they already made all these nerfs to our utility but compensated it with personal damage. Then they nerfed our personal damage by 30%, nerfed our mastery by 50%, and then nerfed Ebon Might to only hitting DPS. Obviously you have never played the spec and just like to sit here with your “gO pLaY a DpS oR sWiTcH tO dEvAsTaTiOn” crap.


Yup i tested it on PTR. It was not super OP, it was fine.

Dunno why they had to gut it TOTALLY then :frowning:
They rly have no clue what they are doing atm. OR they know+ are just lazy!

I still hope they will buff atleast their support-potential again. Like for example: Hello Draconic Attunments. Atm it is +2% max hp? Its worthless…people not even putting a point in it anymore :frowning:

They should just buff the mastery, personal dmg and the bombardement dmg…then MAYBE Aug would be ok again. Not OP (not even me wants the super OP Aug from DF back! that was boring).
But there is a huge gap between being OP and being totally undertuned.
Hopefully the Devs will realize that+ will act SOON/IN TIME or just rework the spec totally.