I agree with you. It’s been a good while, but I think I talked to you in a “remove boosting from Classic” thread while Classic was maybe a few months in, but you used the reasoning that I should just let Classic run its course, let the people currently having fun with Classic have fun with what they were given and wait and see if Blizzard makes no boost servers in the future and I’m glad I did wait, but I still made enough noise to tell Blizzard that I’m still interested in no boost servers.
Still making noise over something you want is what I’m just trying to get at.
I can respect that. I did feel strongly about leaving boosting as it was in classic, since I had both friends who used boosts and friends that gave boosts. I felt it was good for a route to exist that lets people who are disinterested in levelling still play what they want at max level.
And it doesn’t work in SoM, and that’s perfectly fine. It’s a different crowd, different group, and people know it going in.
Agreed, nerfs and buffs for balance but look at the stats and do it right. The argument that yea it’s not right but mine’s ok so go somewhere else if you don’t like it is ridiculous. I pay the same amount of money and loved the game how it used to be so I play classic. At the time of original classic, wow did a pretty good job at keeping play equal and they did a good job at it. If they’re going to handcuff a class fix it or remove it. Not rocket science.
when u play a shooter you expect the guns to be balanced. Snipers rule long range, smgs mid to close, shotguns close range assault medium range.
How is class balance different?
its an mmorpg (the rpg) meaning role playing game. As in you select a role and play how you want for example a tank or a paladin tank or a hybird or a moonkin. All specs should be viable in a role playing game so people can role play how they like
They are viable. Being viable does not mean they are going to top the charts in DPS or Healing. Every class and spec can’t be the meta, it doesn’t work that way.
No. Not every class should be top of the charts. They weren’t designed to all be equal at everything, that’s how you get a homogenized game like retail
Uzluk did you miss the part where I was talking about destruction warlock that isn’t recommended to play? Fix it or eliminate it. The argument that if you don’t like it leave is typical of a op player. Your comment is right on that complaint. I’ve even been told don’t be an old man saying stay off my lawn. Sure well founded if you’re on a motorcycle doing doughnuts ( an analogy) so don’t get butthurt. Destruction warlock is a caster so give them some viable casts which could be done in a week such as cooldown on soulfire and the 9 days it takes to cast ( don’t go off again, another analogy). It uses a soul shard anyway and you have to spend time to replace those to keep your soul bag full. I’m wondering if you know what it takes to play destruction and if you tried one out if your opinion would be the same. The balanced classic player stating it shouldn’t be balanced (you must be op and you don’t want to lose your advantage and die occasionally by the hands of a desto lock) or leave isn’t even an argument. You just want it to be your game and maybe you should go to retail so you can keep your power. Other players want to play classic and want to play with equal power. If you don’t like that go pvp and by the way read the post it was short and to the point and not a novel, it’ll never sell.
I’ll iterate again here since you’re still going with this. Blizzard if you are paying attention, I’m someone who’s fine with the current balance. Please don’t mess with anything.
Did you? How blatantly incompetent is your reading level for you to not understand I was talking to you?
You are literally asking for balance, you want to pick and chose mechanics that existed prior to 1.12 and existing 1.12 mechanics so you can live your cringe level private server fantasies.
Or do we need to go back to pre-classic launch and show everyone how all of your posts were wrong?