Recently returned (like a few weeks ago) and was super excited for Undermine as I always loved goblins. Made a fresh goblin rogue, been having fun playing it, decided to check out the new raid today.
My God do people hate having fun in this game.
Multiple groups fall apart after a single wipe, people complaining about other people’s ilvl, people upset that people don’t have every mechanic memorized on literal day one.
Worst one for me was joining a normal clear, getting to third boss and having someone literally call out my DPS in chat and vote to kick me. It was our first wipe on the boss and I was focused on learning mechanics, although I’m also on a new spec and learning my rotation.
I’m just looking for advice on what to do here, the campaign literally requires killing a raid boss but lfr is only the first few bosses this week, people are sweating normals so hard it’s not even fun to try to progress, mythic pugs are impossible to get into if you aren’t playing a meta spec or over geared so I can’t gear that way, I know I can do some gearing in delves to try to push ilvl up but aside from that I guess I just have to wait to progress?
I clear delves easily, so I guess I’m just lost as to how I’m supposed to learn group content when it’s this gate kept. Trying to find a guild but my work schedule makes it difficult. Is it just because it’s the start of the season or should I just cancel my sub? I had assumed people would be enjoying the raid and learning it at the start of the season, but people seem to be treating normal pugs like they’re pushing for server first.
I just wanna enjoy my gobbo themed patch