ggs blizzard on enabling gatekeeping day 1 for a 5 man dungeon
You’re not entitled to a spot in any group you want.
Make your own group.
are you talking about getting a group or doing the attunement?
because finding a group is going to be rough when people don’t know the dungeon, and the dungeon hits hard. It is not for undergeared players, for sure.
I predicted this, classic players just cant do retail mechanics, darkness is a mechanic from a dungeon in the war with in.
Not really gate kept its current gear i mean it has 3 piece of BIS gear for shadow priest and warlocks for the entire of naxx it wasnt too hard i do think the light needs to be bigger to see adds more clearer besides that was easy once you know where to go
To be fair, retailers can’t do them sometimes.
I loved de oder side dungeon runs in SL.
Let’s see how many people blow their offensive cd’s on the invulnerable boss in “phase” 1.
cool…4 of them.
Next up…who doesn’t read run to the dark portals now. Lucky us, its only 2. 3 man kills not so bad. 2…was painful but workable.
just get good scrub, aint nobody joining my day 1 kara unless they’re 99+ parse in AQ40+AQ20, BWL, MC, ST, Gnomer and BFD. Also have to be 99+ in every wotlk and cata raid to prove that they’re not scrubs.
gatekept? we just did 5 guild groups
The Dungeon is pretty straight forward. Only problem were having is finding all the relics
How exactly is Blizzard enabling gatekeeping?
Does the boss in SoD also do a frontal to diminish the torch or do they just have to stand there?
Not going to lie when I say that I did look at people’s logs specifically to ensure that I didnt have a fresh 60 trying to join.
And there were quite a few fresh 60s tryin to get in lol. Place is definitely not designed for that …yet.
The direct answer is they aren’t gatekeeping. Gatekeeping is just a buzzword people like to throw around for everything nowadays. Just like all the Gen Z and Gen Z wannabes who call everyone a “Bum”.
Day one your expected to be world buffed, flasked, know the fights, know the secrets.
Which is sad.
Because it’s actually a difficult 5 man dungeon. You shouldn’t expect to get in a group if you don’t at least have tier 2 gear.
not sure about t2, but there are some delibertate gear check bossed for sure.
which is fine, it drops gear you need for naxx.
also, it kind of requires voice chat for now.
but it’s the most fun i had in dungeons over a very long time last night… new dungeon without a guide is quite interesting… the time we spent to find the relics lol
Having an attunement quest for a 5 man dungeon is beyond stupid and makes returning players quit and it does gate keep. For Raids its fine but 5 man are the stable of the game why block the majority of the players on a useless quest/attunement for catch up mech.?
Blizzard does not learn.
The attunement takes an hour tops. If you’re a returning player, you’re probably too undergeared to run it anyways.
They should have done 2 difficulty levels
- Normal. Without 24h cd, a bit harder then DFC and possible to do in blues. Drops gear about t1/t2 level. OR drops gear same as heroic (current version) but not “sanctified”, so it’s good to catch up but not to prepare for naxx.
- Heroic. Version as we have now (maybe even a bit harder)
Because many people left in p4/p5 and returned to sod now just to try this new dungeon, but it’s impossible to find a group without p6 gear.
Because it’s not a catch-up 5 mech.
Most of the time wasted doing the attunement was lack of knowledge… not it’s known.