Dawnbreaker bugs?

Does the dungeon still have bugs or has it been all resolved?

There haven’t been any blue posts addressing the issues of that dungeon, so the assumption is no. Then again, what bugs you talking about?

some ppl still have issues but im fine. i figured where and how to land and never have issues.

i’d still like them to fix it for everyone because it impedes my fun when it happens to ppl in my parties :wink:

Ran my 8s, all Dawnbreaker 10s, no issues.

Have seen:

  • RP mobs at the very start pulling and casting an infinite range Shadow Bolt at the healer until they finally die if left alive
  • People (myself included) falling through the air ships, all 3.
  • People losing their light debuff while in the church, dieing to the darkness.
  • Spider elites pulling through the house mini boss area
  • Dark Orb visual being invisible until the last second when it fires
  • The poison wave visual horribly misaligned on Paladins specifically, Divine Steed?

Otherwise. Easiest key this season if your tank has a good route and is not buns tier.


If these issues still lingers then they need to shut down Dawnbreaker (can they even do that?) and fix the issues. And I do mean if.

Literally flew through an airship today. I’m sure it is still full of bugs.

airship clipping is still an issue, occasionally dying after the run is over when you’re loading into the ferry I think is still an issue

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God I hope not. Easy mode key with uncommon bugs, don’t take away my farm.

Also yeah I forgot about that ^^^

If your tank has <93% when heading towards the ship mini boss you run the high risk of bricking your key if the npc at the end does not save you, resulting in a ~1:15 time loss.

Challengers Peril, and this season, kinda sucks.
