Start listing what half of the dungeon you’re running in the description. I’m so, so, so tired of joining groups for Galakrond, asking and confirming we are doing GALAKROND, then we put the key in and oh look at that, it’s Murozonds Fall!
I’m tired of this, and I just left a key because of it for the first time this week because I asked- they confirmed- yet we still ended up in a Murozonds Fall.
Edit: Also, use /keys if you have Details installed. It will pull up who has what key in your party so you don’t get baited into running Murozond when they list it as Galakrond.
That still happens though, just beware. Don’t feel bad leaving if someone ninja-starts their Murozond when you’ve clarified and asked if its galakrond and double checked that someone (preferrably party lead) has the actual Galakrond keystone.
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haha, isn’t that fun? it was the same thing with the SL mega-dungeon. ask three times if it’s actually streets. “oh yeah it’s streets!” the key goes in and you’re in gambit
Yup! I don’t miss Tazavesh one bit. The exact same scenario, funny isn’t it?
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I still think that place is ridiculous in 15+. I have yet to have a group complete Rise without at least 70 deaths. Both parts are SOOOOO much harder than any other M+ dungeons tbh.
The Tazavesh thing was also a bug, right? People WOULD use their keystones, and it was Blizzard’s UI that was putting the wrong dungeon in the Group Finder listing. Is the same thing happening for Dawn, or is it purely PEBKAC?
Edit: Had a quick squizz in the Group Finder, and it doesn’t look promising. The following listing doesn’t seem clear purely on Blizzard’s own info:
Yeah, I’m going to try to get every dungeon to a 13 or 14 this week, except for those. I don’t know if they’re just being ran improperly but (Rise especially) they’re zero fun to heal. Lol
It’s a listing bug. You can be mad at people all you want, makes no difference since they can’t really do much about it. Just a bug that has to be fixed on Blizzard’s end.
The difference in difficulty is pretty wild between Gals Fall and Rise. Rise is exponentially more difficult when it comes to fort and people not doing/knowing boss mechanics.
I mean they can verify who has what key, and confirm they have the actual key listed. They can also list what key it is in the title, or the description. Honestly? There’s no excuse.
Yeah I left one of those, not sure why people are doing that.
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Please fix this, it’s so annoying to try to find a group for Fall
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The only time I’ve been bamboozled on a key is when running a Nokhud Offensive, and someone slotted in a key 4 levels down from what was advertised. Everyone bailed on it instantly. lol
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Doesnt matter. It is a bug. Did it with a key for our guildie. The key said Galakronds Fall. We linked it in chat and we listed it in Dungeon Finder and it listed it as Galakronds Fall. We put the key into the font and it said Galakronds Fall. We start the dungeon and it ports us to Murozonds Rise.
Literally a bug that none of us could do anything about.