Dave Kosak is leaving Blizzard

They should just fire everyone that game up with BfA’s story.

I can ignore wod but BfA was simply written with bad intentions towards the playerbase.


Sadly with the old guard gone I don’t have much hope for the story going forwards.

Likely we will get more of this “we will redo the same story but better” syndrome that regurgitated the BFA story from MOP. Likely Shadowlands will just end up being a sadder copy of WOD.


So we’ll hear a “Shadowlands are free” from a certain writer’s pet…


At least the transmog is better than 150 flavors of Orc (and like 2 Draenei sets).


Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised based on how things are looking going into shadowlands. they’re are a lot of parallels to WOD’s story its scary.

yeah, that is true. Convents are basically the Garrisons they promised we could build in different zones back at Blizzcon just with more theme’s

Ever since WoD, the generic armor design in general has been like… super generic.

I miss the varied textures that classic had. They look like they were made for the N64, but at least they’re not just a 5th recolor of 3 different armor sets.

Also, whatever happened to getting the armor/weapons that the bosses used upon killing them? Cruel Barb from VanCleef, chapeau from Whitemane… it seems that sort of thing is happening less and less.


I dunno, I remember at the time, it made Forsaken players (like me) hate the fact that we were just meat shields to our beloved leader, when in warcraft 3, we see Sylvanas connecting with other Forsaken.

I also used the vengeance arc a lot for RP purposes, and most of it was thrown out the window in cata.

It always feels like such a negative “event” when we get one of these farewell posts. I wonder if they are attracting any decent talent into the company.

I’m probably weird for this but I actually prefer some of the lower-res weapon models from classic and TBC because to me, they kinda have a cleaner look to them. And the lower polygon count makes them look super sharp in their own cheesy way.


Doubtful. Actual talent costs money or time to develop, and can be difficult to implement into a game. This is anathema to corporations that chase quarterly profit margins.

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Hard disagree. This is the same guy that was said he wasn’t in the know when it came to Garrosh, creating a questline that showed him turning into something honorable when the direction was to make him a villain.

Saying he had plans for a decade forward when he wasn’t even sure what was going on in the moment doesn’t really hold up.


…Yeah, the ones “still shackled to their mortal coils” are the undead. The living aren’t “freed from [the Lich King’s] grasp” because they were never in it. This is her wondering what’s going to happen to the Forsaken, not pondering ripping the sky open.


WoD with some mix of Legion

-Legendary artifacts
-Famous character returning(Arthas)
-We need to rez Arbiter(Xe’ra) that likely is blow out later

If only the quest designers were to get more powers as the questing they do despite the raids are really good.

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Kosak hasn’t worked on WoW for several years, he’s been on Hearthstone for a while now. Not sure why this is something worth talking about on the story forum.

Thank you for stating what I already said in my OP, and for asking a question I already responded to in my OP.

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Because he had a hand in developing lore that to this day still influences WoW? Hell, his whole “faction favoratism” post in MoP is still as relevant today as it was back then.


Everyone is being ridiculous. Metzen, Kosak, Morhaime, all of them left. Ok. I get that. But guess what? Time moves forward. To assume they would of remained a fixture at Blizzard for eternity is a fool’s hope at best. All of them have a right to pursue their passions, and I seriously doubt Metzen was forced out.

You get burn out in the game? Guess what? So did he. He is human, he has a right to live a full and happy life like the rest of us. He is not and never has been our nursemaid / father etc. A Warchief? Sure. A great innovator? Definitely. A creator I aspire to be like? Absolutely.

He did a great thing for us all, I’m thankful for it; but I would never disrespect him so much that I’d expect him to sit at Blizzard, a prisoner to his creations and concerned about player expectations weighing on him. So rather than grumble and groan, I suggest people do what Yoda said.

Focus on the here. Now. What you are doing. Do you like the direction the game is going? No? You dislike the narrative? There’s ways to change that. Communicate with the developers. If they come back at you with contempt and say “You don’t like my ideas? Go play another game!” Go. Do. So.

Deciding not to buy work from the people you don’t agree with? That’s OK.
Claiming there is an agenda, and then harassing them on Twitter? That is NOT OK.

Do you really think Kotick or the Shareholders will allow behavior like that to continue if any given Developer or Author starts systematically alienating their players and it cuts into their profits? They won’t.

WoW and Warcraft like all game IP’s is calibrated to make a profit. If it’s not making profit the elements causing that to suffer will be tossed. Then steps to address the problem will be taken. That’s Business 101.

The Founders of Blizzard created an amazing game world. We should enjoy it and consider ourselves fortunate to have it. While IMHO it’s been getting too infected by politics and other petty things the last few years, and drifted away from high-fantasy; screaming “It’s a sign! Blizzard’s done!” is stupid, short-sighted and frankly useless rhetoric.

You may as well start screaming the sky is falling and rename yourself ‘Chicken Little’. All that such hyperbolic statements tell me is that you never loved Warcraft enough to fight for it. All that it tells me, is that Warcraft was just a vehicle for you to live out your wish-fulfillment needs, or some very disturbed fantasy in Goldshire.

Behaving like children isn’t going to resolve the problems ‘you’ see, nor will it move the game the direction you want faster. You want to follow the new projects? Support them? Do so! You want change? Be the change. People should either put up, or walk.

Anything else is just projection, delusion, and you fronting something.

Be honest with yourself if not with others.


Sadly, this is likely the case.

Above all, “Talent” (even new talent trying to prove itself) tends to only flourish when they have necessary creative freedom. Which, “freedom” is also just another one of those things that doesn’t quite agree with the corporate model.

I think even Blizzard knows they’ve few tries before their games go to the deeps. They pulled a lot of new stuff for Diablo 4 announcement but I still think the main problems can be sum in

  1. Too many writers with ego that doesn’t talk to each other
  2. Lack of long term plans. So far they’ve an outline for expansion but never how or if it’s a natural continuation from the previous expansion (Jumping from defeating Garrosh in a war to a time travel expansion and welcome party to the Legion)
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Eh he was good and interactive with Hearthstone although I agree his involvement in the Cataclysm zones was terrible. He didn’t write the Undead and Orcs zone but he did write the Alliance ones who were just a meme zone of CSI Miami and Rambo.

Like yeah pop cultures are fun but don’t let them define a whole zone or even an entire race (looking at the dev who thought it would be so cool to turn Zandalari into Wakanda 2.0).

I don’t hate the guy but his writing is the reason why we are heading towards such a mess right now.

I don’t know why Alex doesn’t keep his new writer team in charge since they are throwing fanfics and rule of cool everywhere.

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