Datamined gimmick for Naxx is a pass from me

See ya, goodbye, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Or do, I don’t care.

You can bring up to 40 people. If it’s too hard, bring more people. If it’s hard to pug players because they don’t have the sanctified gear or high enough trinket? Bring TWO people instead.

Nothing about this will be difficult, you’ll survive.

Eventually its going to be mop remix levels of easy on normal, and a headache for people to fill on hardmodes. All for bigger numbers… why?

One of the devs posted on twitter that theyre looking forward to seeing the first 6 man of naxx when they have their trinkets. Do you want mop remix in classic?

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It’s not a discussion about easy or hard. It’s about blizz not being able to balance normal deviations in power and having zero hope of balancing this huge deviation coming up.

It’s also about the reality of the gear system being convoluted and messy.

If you don’t understand the conversation being had and your go to is “ohh people crying because content is hard” then you should probably refrain from commenting. You look so clueless and foolish for entirely missing the point.


They have such a hard on for % based increases and then wonder why they can’t balance later on. How do you slap 60% crit damage on a tier set and think that’s going to be good for balance (It was definitely good for balance druids). Should be adding bonuses around skills and not raw damage.

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I’ve been positive on SOD overall but this is imho is looking like their first major mistake since incursions and that largely killed Phase 3.

Incursions were a fundamental misunderstanding of what a lot of people liked about classic(the open world) and this doesn’t feel much different. 5 man Naxx runs. Yay?

Gonna need to keep all your AQ40 gear in your bags since it’s gonna be better than Naxx gear outside of Naxx. :rofl:

What a joke.