Note: The dialogue may not have been datamined in the correct order.
Within this hall we shared ceremonies. Celebrations.
And tragedy.
I loved my family.
And on one fateful day, I lost them all.
Now, I am all that remains of the once-proud Menethil line.
The last heir to a legacy that ended in shame.
So you ran away from the pain.
I did too.
But it was only when I stopped running that I understood…
But will they ever truly accept me?
Bearing a name forever stained by a brother’s sins…
Just as these flagstones are stained by my father’s blood.
We are all the same here, Calia.
Seeking our place, despite everything we’ve lost.
But it’s a long road, and we will need your help.
Then… let us find our place together.
As Forsaken.
Now unless there is more hidden, from my understanding the blight is gone, the Undercity (or at least the Capital City) has been reclaimed by the Forsaken, Voss is still the Forsaken leader, and the story is about the Forsaken coming together, with Calia being a point of potential concern as she doesn’t know how the wider Forsaken feel about her.
I like the sombre tone of this conversation, but capping it off with this is funny to me. Sylvanas saddled them with that identity because she wanted them to dissociate from their former lives and put faith in her, and only her. The idea that these two ladies who actually want to give the Forsaken a future would still invoke this moniker in a positive way seems… incongruous with how the race’s story has evolved.
I think it’s rather brilliant. It’s showing that the Forsaken evolved past Sylvanas, can endure after Sylvanas, and that Forsaken will continue on regardless of what happens next.
And I like how Calia is actually worried how the forsaken as a whole see her. Which suggests not all are behind a Menethil being amongst them or guiding them, for obvious reasons.
I liked that addition as well. In an indirect way it addresses a little bit of the concern from the UD player base who has reservations about Calia being considered a Forsaken. Good to know she’s not just being shoved in there for everyone to suddenly start kissing her feet.
Other than that, I think it’s a great storyline between two women who are “stained” (as Blizzard put it) by the sins of their families. Perfect for co-leads.
But back to that title they gave Calia. What the heck is that? They couldn’t think of anything more attractive sounding than The Pallid Lady?
Ivory Lady would’ve been better. It seems that they’ve backpeddled hard on her being a light forged undead. her eyes are now white instead of glowing yellow and there’s a dialogue in maldraxxus where Sindane tells her that Undead are simply undead even if different magic types are used for necromancy.
This is, fine. Honestly. I was vocal against Calia, but she’s not the sole leader and her most objectionable aspect has been removed. Plus, her model is hot.